
In: Nursing

The purpose of the informative/demonstration speech is to construct a presentation aimed at educating your peers...

The purpose of the informative/demonstration speech is to construct a presentation aimed at educating your peers about effective study skills (informative speech) or strategies to enhance student success (demonstration speech). You may choose whether you elect to complete an informative or demonstration speech. You must construct a well-organized speech according to one of the speech patterns discussed in the text. You should select a study skill or student success strategy that is relevant to members of the audience (your audience will be your peers in this class). There are a wide variety of topics available on this issue; the only requirement is that the focus of your speech must be relevant to study skills or student success strategies.

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Expert Solution

" I hear and I forget,I see and I remember, I do I understand". This is a famous quote about "learning" by a famous Chinese politician, teacher, phlospher Confucius.

Knowing how you learn best is the first step in developing effective study habits. Every student approaches the task of learning differently. Every student has unique and personal learning style or a preferred channel through which learning comes more easily

Ask yourself the following

Am I more inclined to learn and remember better when I see it,when I hear it, when I experience it or do something active with it

Whatever things learned in our life , we learned through by using all these three channels. Infact, we use all our senses in learning about the world around us. Each of us has a tendency to rely upon one of the three channels of learning- Visual, auditory or hands on. Everybody can improve their study habits by developing all three learning channels

To improve as a visual learner

  • Visualize what you are studying
  • Use colors in your notes to highlight important things ( use color pens/highlighters)
  • Visualize what the teacher/instructor is lecturing about
  • Draw pictures and diagrams
  • Use mind maps in your notes
  • Use picture and graphics to reinfoce learning
  • Learn from videos

To improve as an auditory learner

  • Listen to tapes of recorded assignments
  • Taperecord your own textbook reading
  • Read out loud
  • Discuss from ideas over class and what you are studying with your friends
  • Participate in class discusions
  • Listen to audiotapes on subjects

To improve as a hands on learner

  • Do not maintain a stagnant position while studying, stand up and move around
  • Take short and frequent breaks while studying
  • make use of your hands by writing down notes while studying
  • Use technology such as computers to reinforce learning
  • Be physically active ; experiment with objects
  • Memorize or drill while walking or exercising

When to study?

Daily reviews

Start learning form the first day of class itself

Successful students read and review each class to recall information from the previous class and to warm up for learning. Review your notes after each class or within 24hrs period for best recall.Studying 1hr after class will do more good in developing and understanding of the mateial than few hrs or days later. Studies have shown that 80% of the material learned in the class is forgotten within 24 hrs if there is no review

Weekly reviews

At the end of the week, go through your notes what you have studied in that week.This refreshes your memory and promotes recall of the material.Repetition is the key to remember effectivley, stronger you make the neurons active the neural channels will lead to that material. This make recall much easier

Pre-exam reviews

These reviews are longer than 3-5 hrs.Break your study sessions into 1 hr with 10 minites break time in between. Get up, stretch , get a drink and move around during your break. The more active you are the more effective will be your study time. A tired body makes a tired mind

Peak Study times

Study when you are at your peak that means when you are more alert and awake at able to absorb more information. If you feel to study and grasp more information with concentration during morning time, then your best study time is in the morning. If you are an evening person, then study at night. If you ar not able to find time to study during your peak hours, try to study when you are relatively awake and alert

Bonus study time

utilize your time effecively when you have extra time. Write notes on a pocket diary/in smalll cards and keep it with you. Whenever you get time, review the notes. On your way to school, study by listening to the audioclips of recorded readings of yourself. Whenever you get a break,an unexpected free hour, a cancelled class without wasting time utilize the time properly

How to organize the time effectively?

  1. Plan your study time
  2. Prioritze your time
  3. Keep a weekly and monthly schedule planner
  4. Schedule study times daily in your planner

How to organise the study area?

  • Keep notes and handouts from class in 3-ring binder
  • Have everything kept ready before studying such as pencils, pen, textbook,computer, dictonary, thesarus etc
  • Be sure the area has proper lighting, ventillation, free from noise and distraction
  • Keep your phone in silent mode and keep it away and try to avoid other interactions like doors, closing, people coming and going etc

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