
In: Statistics and Probability

Movie Twitter Activity Receipts The Devil Inside 219509 14763 The Dictator 6405 5796 Paranormal Activity 3...


Twitter Activity


The Devil Inside



The Dictator



Paranormal Activity 3



The Hunger Games






Red Tails



Act of Valor



  1. What is the independent variable (X) and what is the dependent variable (y)

B. Write a null and alternative hypothesis statement

C. What is the R-squared value and interpret it’s meaning?

D. What is the correlation coefficient and interpret it’s meaning?

E. Predict the receipts for a movie that has a Twitter activity of 100,000 using the linear regression formula generated after you run the regression analysis in Excel (just like we did in the lecture notes)

F. At the 95% significance level, is there significant evidence of a relationship between Twitter activity and receipts?

G. Do you accept or reject the null hypothesis?

H. Based upon your answers above, provide us with a paragraph (3-4 sentence) conclusion that would be appropriate to explain the results to a senior executive that isn’t as familiar with statistics as you are!


Expert Solution

Output using excel:

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.279643
R Square 0.0782
Adjusted R Square -0.10616
Standard Error 11337.88
Observations 7
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 54526187.0403 54526187.0403 0.424172 0.543606
Residual 5 642737346.3883 128547469.2777
Total 6 697263533.4286
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 11648.22 5573.582 2.089898 0.090912 -2679.133 25975.57
X 0.034148 0.052432 0.651285 0.543606 -0.100633 0.16893

a) Independent variable (X) = Twitter Activity

Dependent variable (y) = Receipts

b) Null and alternative hypothesis:

Ho: ρ = 0

Ha: ρ ≠ 0

c) Coefficient of determination, r² = 0.0782

7.82% variation in y is explained by the least squares model.     

d) Correlation coefficient, r = 0.2796

It indicates there is a positive weak relationship between x and y.

e) Regression equation :   

ŷ = 11648.217 + (0.0341) x  

Predicted value of y at x =    100000

ŷ = 11648.217 + (0.0341) * 100000 = 15063.0599

f) Correlation, r = 0.2796

Test statistic :    

t = r*√(n-2)/√(1-r²) = 0.2796 *√(7 - 2)/√(1 - 0.2796²) =    0.6513

df = n-2 =    5

p-value = T.DIST.2T(ABS(0.6513), 5) = 0.5436

g) Conclusion:  

p-value > α , Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

h) We fail to reject the null, we can say that there is no correlation between x and y.

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