9a. Name three ways in which the Antitrust laws make markets behave more competitively. 9b. What...

9a. Name three ways in which the Antitrust laws make markets behave more competitively.

9b. What is the difference between Section 1 and Section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act, discuss and define?

9c. Explain what the Herfindahl- Hirschman index is, and how it is used by the Department of Justice to decide which mergers to challenge.

In: Economics

Ed's utility from vacations (V) and meals (M) is given by the function U(V,M) = V2M....

Ed's utility from vacations (V) and meals (M) is given by the function U(V,M) = V2M. Last year, the price of vacations was $200 and the price of meals was $50. This year, the price of meals rose to $75, the price of vacations remained the same. Both years, Ed had an income of $1,500. Include a budget line and indifference curve diagram in your response to this question.

  1. What is Ed’s optimal consumption of vacations and meals before and after the price change?
  2. Calculate the substitution and income effects arising from the change in meal price. Are meals a normal good, and inferior good, or neither? Explain.

In: Economics

1. The subject line for a request for a job offer time extension should​ _____. A....

1. The subject line for a request for a job offer time extension should​ _____.

A. include the job title and​ sender's name  

B. include the​ sender's name

C. be an​ attention-getter

D. simply be​ "Request for Time​ Extension"

2. The opening of a request for a time extension should​ _____.

A. be​ attention-getting  

B. come right out and request the extension  

C. express a strong statement of interest in the job  

D. follow the AIDA plan 

3. When requesting a time​ extension, your emphasis should be on​ _____.

A. getting the company to make a better offer  

B. showing your professionalism

C. the attractiveness of a competing company

D. accommodating your needs

4. One purpose of a time extension request should be to​ _____.

A. reassure that reader that you are interested in the company and the job

B. let the reader know that you have another potential job offer

C. let the reader know you are in demand

D. try to get a better offer

5. A time extension request should close with​ _____.

A. an expression of willingness to yield or compromise

B. a salutation

C. a demand for a response  

D. a call for action

In: Economics

Three strategies can Firm use to minimize the risks of fluctuating exchange rates. Use examples. (broad...

Three strategies can Firm use to minimize the risks of fluctuating exchange rates. Use examples.

(broad question)

In: Economics

Consider the following statement "we should continue allowing arguments that justify government intervention in trade under...

Consider the following statement "we should continue allowing arguments that justify government intervention in trade under the WTO". Do you agree or disagree with this statement? In your answer use examples where appropriate.

In: Economics

Discuss the causes and consequences of global warming and climate change. Compare carbon taxes versus emissions...

Discuss the causes and consequences of global warming and climate change. Compare carbon taxes versus emissions trading for greenhouse gases reduction policy. Illustrate how global problems present more complex management issues

In: Economics

Describe the conceptual issues associated with externalities in both space and time. Discuss policy options for...

Describe the conceptual issues associated with externalities in both space and time. Discuss policy options for the control of regional pollutants such as acid rain. Analyze the level of economic efficiency of each option.

no reference

In: Economics

According to Cunningham (2011: 28-29), there are serious consequences for market failure by a nation, and...

According to Cunningham (2011: 28-29), there are serious consequences for market failure by a nation, and particularly in a small and endowed country like Sierra Leone. Discuss 5 of those consequences that can arise due to market failure.                                                            

In: Economics

You are the chair of an IMF task force. Your job is to reevaluate the policy...

You are the chair of an IMF task force. Your job is to reevaluate the policy of bailing out national governments that suffer major losses in the private sector in the name of protecting the value of the currency. Taxpayers in industrial countries typically foot the bill for IMF activities, with loans typically running into the many billions of dollars. Some critics call this system a kind of “remnant socialism” that rescues financial institutions and investors from their own mistakes with taxpayer money. Financial crises often originate as private-sector affairs, but then central banks step in and pledge foreign exchange reserves to shore up the currency.

  1. Do you agree with the belief that the current system privatizes profits and then socializes losses if the government steps in with a bailout?
  2. What sort of alternative can you envision to replace the current system, which often involves an IMF bailout?

In: Economics

why is there so much pushback against free trade policies? Why is it that there is...

  1. why is there so much pushback against free trade policies? Why is it that there is so much opposition to trade despite the general agreement of economists that it is beneficial? Discuss the impact of special interests and voter irrationality in determining these outcomes. Do you believe that the Democratic process if efficient in reaching optimal trade policies? Explain why or why not.
  2. Describe the balance of payments and what it seeks to measure. Describe the three accounts included and what these measures. Explain how an understanding of the balance of payments helps to have a more complete of exchange that takes between nations rather than focusing on the balance of goods and services. Discuss the relationship between the current account and savings, investment, and government finances. Is the current account in itself the best measure of unsustainable trade imbalances? Explain why or why not.

In: Economics

The Gold Standard 1870-1914 was associated with which of the following? globalization London at the center...

The Gold Standard 1870-1914 was associated with which of the following?


London at the center of the system

pure commodity currency

all of the above

Which of the following elements of Glass-Steagal act of 1934 was designed to prevent bank runs?


separation between investment banking and the National treasury

interest rate ceilings


Nationalist protectionist policies had which impact on the Great Depression?

shortened the depression and preserved employment domestically

shortened the depression and increased inequality domestically

prolonged the depression significantly

these policies were benign with respect to the Great Depression

Like many stable monetary regimes the Gold Standard broke down because of which of the following?

excessive money printing to finance war

excessive government budget deficits

loss of faith in the intrinsic value of gold

technological innovation disrupting the old system

In: Economics

Economic Goals include: A. growth B. high employment C. price stability D. all of the above...

Economic Goals include:

A. growth
B. high employment
C. price stability
D. all of the above

In the economic business cycle, a period of prosperity is usually followed by:

A. a depression
B. a recovery
C. a recession

a spike in the stock market

Many sellers with differentiated products is categorized as:

A. a monopoly
B. an oliogopoly
C. monopolistic competition
D. perfect competition

Resources or "Inputs" include:

A. Land
B. Labor
C. Capital
D. all of the above

The system with the highest level of government control is:

A. Free system
B. Socialist system
C. Communist system
D. Democratic system

In: Economics

5. Examine the influence of corruption on the rising debt of Ghana..word limit 1000

5. Examine the influence of corruption on the rising debt of Ghana..word limit 1000

In: Economics

Think of a relevant example in your own life of how a change in the market...

Think of a relevant example in your own life of how a change in the market (including information, preferences, technology, price of alternative goods, regulations, taxes, etc.) has shifted either the supply or demand of a good. How did this change affect the market equilibrium for that good or service? Explain.

Next, find a relatively recent news article (within the past year) to support your finding (the news search feature in Google is helpful with this). If you cannot find an article specific to your example, you may find an article about another similar good or service.

In: Economics

What is Apple's iPhone market strategy?

What is Apple's iPhone market strategy?

In: Economics