Will a $15 minimum wage be good for Ontario? Two experts debate Armine Yalnizyan and Dan...

Will a $15 minimum wage be good for Ontario? Two experts debate
Armine Yalnizyan and Dan Kelly face off over the 
Liberals' proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2019.

Read the attached debate and say clearly who do you agree with, 
Armine Yalnizyan or Dan Kelly?  BE SURE TO EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER 

In: Economics

The story of Venezuela's economic boom, and its subsequent collapse is another example of the challenges...

The story of Venezuela's economic boom, and its subsequent collapse is another example of the challenges that developing democracies face. What best explains Venezuela's economic growth and more recent collapse?

In: Economics

Haiti is the most impoverished nation-state in the world. How Haiti and the DR, which share...

Haiti is the most impoverished nation-state in the world. How Haiti and the DR, which share the island of Hispaniola, have developed in opposite directions is an important way to understand the challenges of developing democracies. What best explains the divergent development of Haiti and the DR?

In: Economics

While labor productivity refers specifically to the ratio of output per labor unit, multifactor productivity involves...

While labor productivity refers specifically to the ratio of output per labor unit, multifactor productivity involves more of a big picture perspective. This type of productivity measures economic performance by comparing total production to total inputs that were used in production.

Go to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and review the section on Multifactor Productivity.

Please provide the following information:

  • Explain what is meant by "MFP is also developed for 2- and 3-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) manufacturing industries, the railroad transportation industry, the air transportation industry, and the utility and gas industry."
  • What can be learned from these comparative statistics?

In your own words, write a multiparagraph analytical response. Provide citation and references. Do not simpy copy and paste information from sources.

In: Economics

Question 1: forces of supply and demand determine the prices which prevail for most goods and...

Question 1: forces of supply and demand determine the prices which prevail for most goods and services. Take a look again at any Supply/Demand chart. What or who is represented by the segment on the demand curve which is located below the equilibrium price? In truth, this segment represents those would like to buy the particular good if the price was lower, but can’t (or choose not to) buy the good at its currently higher price. Perhaps this is trivial for goods like lattes or services like travel to the Bahamas (it’s not a tragedy that some cannot afford a latte or a trip to Bahamas, right?), but think about other goods, such as antibiotics, or services such as education. If the market sets the price, then there will always be some who can’t quite pay the price required. Does this feature of the market system strike you as immoral? Because “the market” (forces of supply and demand) does not guarantee that everyone who needs antibiotics will get them, should the market be abandoned in favor of some other system of pricing and distributing goods and services? Why or why not? (Consider this from a Christian perspective as well, if you like.)

Question two: Think about the law of supply. It states that as prices rise, quantity supplied will rise, and as prices fall, quantity supplied will fall. Now think about the flat-screen TV market. Over the last 15 years or so, the prices have come down significantly, but there are many more flat-screen TVs produced (supplied) today than there were 15 years ago. Does this violate the law of supply? Why or why not?

Please explain in detail and give examples

In: Economics

What do political parties consider when forming a coalition government? Under what circumstances are minority governments...

What do political parties consider when forming a coalition government? Under what circumstances are minority governments and oversized coalitions more likely?

What is modernization theory? How does modernization theory help explain democratization in Western Europe? Does modernization theory accurately portray reality?

How do different electoral systems produce different party systems? Under what circumstances might these rules be violated? Use examples.

In: Economics

What would you include in the GDP calculation (in addition to what's already counted by Statistics...

What would you include in the GDP calculation (in addition to what's already counted by Statistics Canada) to make it better reflect the living standards? Why?

Explain in detail. It should be related to Macroeconomics.

In: Economics

Suppose that the BIG CATS  can segment their fans into young fans and senior citizens. Young fans...

Suppose that the BIG CATS  can segment their fans into young fans and senior citizens. Young fans have the demand curve P=120-10G (MR=120-20G). Senior citizens have the demand curve P=60-10G (MR=60-20G). Assume that MC=0.

  1. What are the equilibrium price and quantity if the monopoly charges both groups the same price?
  2. What are the equilibrium price and quantity for each group if the BIG Cats can segment the market?
  3. Calculate producer surplus in each case.

In: Economics

Write an essay highliting why Africa has been labeled the cradle of humanity

Write an essay highliting why Africa has been labeled the cradle of humanity

In: Economics

Listen to Taxman by the Beatles. Then answer the following questions. 1. Imagine being wealthy in...

Listen to Taxman by the Beatles. Then answer the following questions.

1. Imagine being wealthy in a country that significantly taxes high earners. Would they move to another country as the Beatles suggest?

2. What would be some reasons to stay?

3. What would the opportunity cost be of moving to another country and could it outweigh the benefit of lower taxes?

4. What are the benefits that one gets from paying taxes?

In: Economics

Consider the current COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic recession. a). Are firms looking to invest...

  1. Consider the current COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic recession.

a). Are firms looking to invest or expand in this environment? Using and drawingthe supply curve for bonds, explain what happens.

b). Are individuals looking to invest or buy bonds in this environment? Assume that there are NO other assets in this economy – we are just talking about bonds. Use and draw the demand curve for bonds. Hint: Consider bond as being an asset and use the Theory of Portfolio Choice.

In: Economics

5) Who among all stakeholders is at greatest risk in case the business fails or does...

5) Who among all stakeholders is at greatest risk in case the business fails or does not make a profit? ____________________________________________________________________________________
6) Who among all stakeholders will be badly affected by ethical violations in a business? ____________________________________________________________________________________
7) A personal financial benefit to a corporate manager who makes the business decisions and a financial loss to owners of the company is an example of ____________________________________________________________________________________
8) When _____________________ from a country are more than its imports, it is referred to as a __________________ balance of trade.
9) According to the textbook, what is included in the balance of payments of a country ____________________________________________________________________________________
10) When Sandy flies from Canada to France on an French airline, stays in a Paris hotel, and buys designer dresses from Paris to bring home, she is contributing negatively to the Canadian balance of ____________________________________
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
11) When more cash is leaving the country than is flowing in is referred to as a trade____________ 12) When a country devalues its currency, it creates favourable effect on balance of_____________
13) Justin is a pratner in Bob & Associates. Bob is one of the senior general partners in the company who must temporarily leave the company to attend to some personal matters. Bob has asked Justin to temporarily perform his managerial duties while he is gone. However, Justin reminds Bob that he cannot participate in the management of the partnership. Bob has what kind of partnership in the company? ______________________________________________________________________
14) People can be involved in a corporation without risking their personal assets because a corporation is a separate _______________________ entity from the owners.
15) A country is said to have ______________________________ in production of good if it can produce it at a lower opportunity cost.

In: Economics

Discuss the arguments for and against protectionist trade barriers. Should the United States increase its trade...

Discuss the arguments for and against protectionist trade barriers. Should the United States increase its trade barriers with countries around the world? Explain.

In: Economics

Are Multinationals a Market Failure? How do the following topics: profit shifting, offshore tax havens, and...

Are Multinationals a Market Failure?

  1. How do the following topics: profit shifting, offshore tax havens, and money laundering relate, in your opinion, to the development of multinationals?
  2. Why haven’t employee wages increased in a manner similar to CEO salaries?
  3. If monopoly was considered a market failure, requiring government intervention, is it possible that multinationals are in fact another form of market failure?
  4. Some people argue that the problem is globalization, that if we were more isolationist, as some of President Trump’s trade policies (that we looked at the second week) seem to be trying to achieve, we would be better off, we, meaning Americans. Is globalization really the problem? Or have we just encountered another market failure? If so, who and how can we fix this? What do you think? Or do you not even see it as a problem? If not, explain why not.

In: Economics

e) State any four (4) limitations of per capita RGDP as a measure of welfare.

e) State any four (4) limitations of per capita RGDP as a measure of welfare.

In: Economics