How can the long-run average cost (LRAC) curve be derived from the short-run average total cost...

  • How can the long-run average cost (LRAC) curve be derived from the short-run average total cost (SRATC) curve?
  • Describe economies of scale and diseconomies of scale.
  • What are the determinants of economies of scale and diseconomies of scale, respectively?
  • Using a real-world company (other than Sysco), explain the causes of economies of scale for your company.
  • How would economies of scale help your company compete in its industry?

In: Economics

Research shows that after-school jobs are highly correlated with decreases in grade point averages. Those who...

  1. Research shows that after-school jobs are highly correlated with decreases in grade point averages. Those who work 1 to 10 hours get a 3.0 GPA and those who work 21 hours have a 2.7 GPA. Higher GPAs are, however, highly-correlated with higher lifetime earnings. Assume that a person earns $8,000 per year for working part-time in college and that the return to a 0.1 increase in GPA gives a 10 percent increase in one's lifetime earnings with a present value of $80,000.
    • What would be the argument for working rather than studying harder?
    • Is the assumption that there is a trade-off between working and grades reasonable?

In: Economics

Your essay must be written concisely and not exceed 700 words. Monetary policy can be a...

Your essay must be written concisely and not exceed 700 words.

  1. Monetary policy can be a useful tool for macroeconomic management. Using relevant diagram(s), show and discuss the possible impact of recent interest rate cuts on output, inflation and unemployment.

In: Economics

Giant Screen TV, Inc., is a Miami-based importer and distributor of 60-inch screen HDTVs for residential...

Giant Screen TV, Inc., is a Miami-based importer and distributor of 60-inch screen HDTVs for residential and commercial customers. Revenue and cost relations are as follows:

TR = $4,500Q - $0.1Q2

TC = $2,000,000 + $1500Q + $0.5Q2

  1. Calculate output, price and profit at the average cost-minimizing activity level.
  2. Calculate output, price and profit at the profit-maximizing activity level.
  3. Calculate the level of output and price that will maximize sales revenue. What is the profit associated with this activity level?
  4. Plot Giant Screen’s demand curve, marginal revenue curve, marginal cost curve, and average cost curve on the same graph (quantity on the horizontal axis). Show your graphical solutions to part A, B, and C on this graph.

In: Economics

what determine the elasticity of demand and supply?

what determine the elasticity of demand and supply?

In: Economics

Explain what the non-price determinants of demand and supply are and then discuss in detail the...

Explain what the non-price determinants of demand and supply are and then discuss in detail the critical role that price plays in ensuring that markets reach equilibrium. Explain how the Covid-19 crisis impacted the market for hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and canned goods and how would the market normally respond to these changes. What could be potential negative consequences should the government have mandated rationing of these resources?

In: Economics

Compare and contrast the levels of technology and facility design used in U.S. prisons versus prisons...

Compare and contrast the levels of technology and facility design used in U.S. prisons versus prisons in a foreign country.

In: Economics

Read through the paragraph below. Afterward, create a thread in the discussion forum and in it,...

Read through the paragraph below. Afterward, create a thread in the discussion forum and in it, explain why the cope of coronavirus-induced economic downturn is worse than any recessions in the past?

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell urged the White House and Congress to spend more money to ensure their initial response to the coronavirus-induced economic downturn isn’t squandered. “There is a growing sense that the recovery may come more slowly than we would like…and that may mean that it’s necessary for us to do more,”. He warned that, with revenues depressed for longer, waves of business bankruptcies could follow, risking a much slower pace of improvement in the job market. “Additional fiscal support could be costly but worth it if it helps avoid long-term economic damage and leaves us with a stronger recovery,” Mr. Powell said. For example, if small businesses that were viable enterprises before the crisis fail, “we would lose more than just that business. We lose something more fundamental,” he said. “And it won’t be able to be replaced quickly.” “The scope and speed of this downturn are without modern precedent, significantly worse than any recession since World War II,” Mr. Powell said. Wall Street journal – May 13, 2020).

In: Economics

The issue of homelessness is relevant to both Microeconomics, Econ 10 B, and Macroeconomics, Econ 10...

The issue of homelessness is relevant to both Microeconomics, Econ 10 B, and Macroeconomics, Econ 10 A. In Micro we discuss at great length the market for rental housing: supply, demand, price and quantity. Many families in America BECOME homeless as a direct result of “free market” forces: their rent rises beyond their ability to pay. In Macro, we discuss the national picture: the millions of jobs involved on a national scale in the construction and sale of residential units: homes, condos, apartments, and ADUs (accessory dwelling units). The San Jose Mercury News reported on June 17 that the city of San Jose is dismantling a temporary homeless site after spending more than $1.3 million repairing dozens of dilapidated state-owned trailers. The article states that “nearly 6,200 people in San Jose don’t have a place to call home and county health officials believe that at least 2,500 of them are at high risk of infection.” Some experts believe the total is much higher than that. San Jose has announced plans to build hundreds of ‘dorm-style’ modular and prefab housing units to serve its homeless population on three locations in the city: A site at Monterey and Bernal roads, a second at Evans Lane, and a third at Rue Ferrari and Highway 101. In EACH AND EVERY CASE, opposition from neighbors has been INTENSE. ‘NOT IN MY BACKYARD!” The city of San Francisco had been spending over $300 million PER YEAR (before March, 2020) to house homeless people and provide other services. Yet, the number of homeless keeps rising. Given the incredible drop in tax revenue---hotel taxes, sales taxes on restaurant meals-----since March, 2020, it is almost impossible to imagine that level of funding staying level. San Francisco has suffered a greater drop in tax revenue than San Jose or Oakland. Obviously, it is not a contest. So, here goes: Question 1. In early March, 2020, our state government announced tentative plans to move homeless people in to college dorm rooms. A. In your opinion, is this idea a good idea? Or a bad idea? Why? B. Would you make this program voluntary for homeless people? Or mandatory? Why? C. How vigorously would you enforce this program? Why? D. What penalties, if any, would you impose on homeless people for non-compliance? Why? E. In theory, what could ‘go wrong’ with the enforcement of this program? What other support services do homeless people require, in addition to housing? F. Moving homeless people into hotel rooms, (combined with support services), which our state has done on an unprecedented level, may be a better idea than moving them into college dorms. Why? G. In your opinion, what more should we be doing as a society to address this issue? Why?

In: Economics

1) Who is responsible for U.S. monetary policy and what are the roles of the Federal...

1) Who is responsible for U.S. monetary policy and what are the roles of the Federal Reserve (the Fed), Congress, and the president?

2) What role does the Fed play in our national debt and federal deficit?

3) How is our fiscal policy going to affect future generations?

4) Does government borrowing crowd out private-sector spending? Explain.

5) Do households generally make a distinction between spending for current expenses and spending for capital expenses? Compare borrowing $5,000 to take a vacation in Hawaii with borrowing $125,000 to buy a condominium and move out of your rented apartment. Explain.

6) Critics of “new accounting” for federal borrowing argue that it does not matter what the government spends the money on. What matters is the total amount that the government spends minus taxes collected. Explain this viewpoint.

In: Economics

critique the economic and social effects of advertisement (Pros and cons), citing credible examples using various...

critique the economic and social effects of advertisement (Pros and cons), citing
credible examples using various sources to support your arguments. Your writing must be
about 600 words.

In: Economics

what is current economic situation of USA?explain briefly

what is current economic situation of USA?explain briefly

In: Economics

1.Suppose a firm produce paper using 2 inputs. When input prices are ($8,$10) the firm uses...

1.Suppose a firm produce paper using 2 inputs. When input prices are ($8,$10) the firm uses input bundle (10,10). When the prices are ($10,$6) the firm uses bundle (2,18). The amount of output is the same in both case, this behavior is consistent with Weak Axiom of Cost Minimization

True or False?

2.Jimmy's utility function is U = Apple x Banana. The price of apples used to be $4 per unit and price of bananas $1 per unit. His income is $160 daily. If the price of apples decreases to $2 and the price of banana stays the same. In order to be able to just afford his old bundle before prices change, Jimmy's would have to have a daily income of: ______, the substitution effect of the decrease in price of apple leads to an increase in the quantity of apple consumed by: _______,the total effect of the decrease in price of apple leads to an increase in the quantity of apple consumed by: _______

In: Economics

What were the positive effects of the 1988 Basel Accord? What were its shortcomings?

What were the positive effects of the 1988 Basel Accord? What were its shortcomings?

In: Economics

What specific actions did the Federal Reserve take in response to the 2007-2009 financial crisis: i)...

What specific actions did the Federal Reserve take in response to the 2007-2009 financial crisis: i) Using the lender of last resort tool? ii) Using the monetary policy tool?

In: Economics