Explain Transaction Exposure and why this may be a potential foreign exchange risk for an Australian...

Explain Transaction Exposure and why this may be a potential foreign exchange risk for an Australian business exporting internationally. Discuss how Leading and Laggingstrategies could be appropriate for managing risk?

In: Economics

Consider the retail market for bananas in Australia in 2020. The market is in equilibrium with...

Consider the retail market for bananas in Australia in 2020. The market is in equilibrium with 20,000 tonnes being bought and sold per year at a price of $4 per kg.

a. Explain why $5 per kg for bananas is not an equilibrium price. Given the current demand and supply, if the price was temporarily $5 per kg, explain how the market would return to equilibrium.

b. Explain why the production/consumption of 20,000 tonnes of bananas is the socially efficient level of production (assuming there are no externalities).

c. Suppose that in 2021 price of diesel increases, increasing the transportation costs for banana farmers in getting their bananas to market. Explain why there would be any movement in the demand or supply curve and any change in the equilibrium price and quantity for bananas after the increase in the price of diesel.

In: Economics

Question 1 Consider the retail market for bananas in Australia in 2020. The market is in...

Question 1

Consider the retail market for bananas in Australia in 2020. The market is in equilibrium with 20,000 tonnes being bought and sold per year at a price of $4 per kg.

Question 21 (5 points)

a. Label the diagram appropriately, by writing the labels i. to vii.

Question 22 (6 points)

b. Explain why $5 per kg for bananas is not an equilibrium price. Given the current demand and supply, if the price was temporarily $5 per kg, explain how the market would return to equilibrium.

Question 23 (4 points)

c. Explain why the production/consumption of 20,000 tonnes of bananas is the socially efficient level of production (assuming there are no externalities).

Question 24 (6 points)

d. Suppose that in 2021 price of diesel increases, increasing the transportation costs for banana farmers in getting their bananas to market. Explain why there would be any movement in the demand or supply curve and any change in the equilibrium price and quantity for bananas after the increase in the price of diesel.

Question 25 (4 points)

e. Suppose that in 2022 the price of bananas increases and the amount of bananas bought and sold increases. What must have happened to the demand or supply of bananas for this to have occurred?

In: Economics

Draw graphs using appropriate units and label them. Graphs without labels WILL NOT BE given any...

Draw graphs using appropriate units and label them. Graphs without labels WILL NOT BE given any points even if the answer is correct. Explain clearly wherever asked.

  1. Exercise on quantity equation and AD curve
  1. Assume money supply is fixed at M=1000 and the velocity of money V=2.0, complete the table 1





















  1. Draw the AD curve that results from the table results and label as AD1

c. What does the AD curve denote?

   d. Suppose the money supply increases to 1500 while velocity remains equal to 2.0, complete the table 2 below (use the price level from the previous table 1)















   e. Plot the AD curve with the data from Table 2 and label the curve as AD2 (when M=1500 and V=2.0)

f. Suppose if the money supply remained at its original level of 1000 but the velocity increases to 3.0, how does it affect the AD curve?

   g. Suppose if the money supply fell to 500 while velocity remained equal to 2.0, complete the following table 3















   h. Plot the AD curve with data from Table 3 and label the curve as AD3 (when M=500 and V=2.0)

   I. Plot the AD curve with data from Table 3 and label the curve as AD3 (when M=500 and V=2.0)

In: Economics

In March government-approved stimulus checks for every citizen. While thinking about aggregate expenditure and the economy...

In March government-approved stimulus checks for every citizen. While thinking about aggregate expenditure and the economy I want you to discuss the following 1. why was stimulus checks sent to every taxpayer in the U.S? 2. What do you think are the economic impacts of the checks? 3. Do you think there is a need for another round of stimulus checks?

In: Economics

Ollivander and Arturo Cephalopos are two producers of wands in the wizarding world. They both sell...

Ollivander and Arturo Cephalopos are two producers of wands in the wizarding world. They both sell excellent wands which are extremely similar in quality and could be considered almost perfect substitutes. They engage in Bertrand competition, which means they compete by setting price. Ollivander’s marginal cost of producing one wand is 7 Galleons, while for Cephalopos the marginal cost is 10 Galleons. NOTE: 1 Galleon = 17 Sickles or 493 Knuts. Treat sickle as a cent.

1. What is the Bertrand equilibrium price in this market?

A) 10 Galleons

B)15 Galleons

C)7 Galleons

D) 9 Galleons and 16 Sickles

In: Economics

how does modern day slavery match or diverge from what your idea of slavery and traditional...

how does modern day slavery match or diverge from what your idea of slavery and traditional notions of slavery? how would you rank slavery in relation to other social problems, including human rights violations? Explain your reasoning. How has globalization influenced the modern day sale and use of slaves? What actions would you suggest taking in response to this phenomenon?

In: Economics

“Italian pasta increasingly made of wheat from Canada and U.S” (Durishin, M. & Robinson, A. Vancouver...

“Italian pasta increasingly made of wheat from Canada and U.S” (Durishin, M. & Robinson, A. Vancouver Sun Newspaper, Tuesday, December 3, 2019, p. B4).

Suppose that Rajdeep loves lasagna. The following table presents a measurement of Rajdeep’s Total Utility, TU of Lasagna for each successive serving.

Servings of Lasagna

Total Utility, TU

Marginal Utility, MU



















  1. Given the Total Utility in the Utility Schedule presented above, determine the Marginal Utility, MU that Rajdeep attains with EACH successive serving of lasagna eaten.
  2. Why is it that the Marginal Utility, MU begins to FALL even as the Total Utility rises?

What makes the consumer “Budget Line” seem like another version of the Production Possibility Frontier, PPF? And what

In: Economics

Briefly discuss the Lincoln Mills Case.

Briefly discuss the Lincoln Mills Case.

In: Economics

Suppose that a U.S. dollar buys more gold in Australia than it buys in Russia. What...

Suppose that a U.S. dollar buys more gold in Australia than it buys in Russia. What does purchasing-power parity imply should happen?

In: Economics

The U.S. economy is over a decade removed from the Great Recession. For several years after...

The U.S. economy is over a decade removed from the Great Recession. For several years after the Great Recession officially ended, the U.S. grew at an historically slow rate. Analyze the causes of the slow increases in U.S. GDP. Include in your paper: An analysis of the monetary policy approach the Federal Reserve took to the recovery An analysis of the fiscal policy approach the Federal Government took to the recovery An analysis of how the attempts to influence GDP in the short-run negatively affect GDP in the long-run An explanation of why the unemployment rate dropped rapidly in the United States despite low rates of increases in GDP An identification, as appropriate, of the economic principles (from Module 1) that factor into your analysis?

In: Economics

Nervous Norman holds 70% of his assets in cash, earning 0%, and 30% of his assets...

Nervous Norman holds 70% of his assets in cash, earning 0%, and 30% of his assets in an insured savings account, earning 2%. The expected return on his portfolio:

a) is 0%.
b) is 0.6%

c) is 2%.
d) is 1%.
e) cannot be determined without knowing what the dollar value of his assets is.

In: Economics

Your company purchased an airplane for $470,000 and will depreciate it using a 7-year MACRS with...

Your company purchased an airplane for $470,000 and will depreciate it using a 7-year MACRS with a 6-year life. Salvage value in year 6 is expected to be $160,000. The airplane is expected to increase company revenues by $179,000 per year. However, O&M costs are expected to be $20,000 per year. Your company is in the 21% tax bracket and the company's MARR is 15%. What is the Net Present Worth of this investment?

In: Economics

Assume the market for coal is initially in equilibrium. For each of the case below, identify...

Assume the market for coal is initially in equilibrium. For each of the case below, identify the effect on the supply curve on the coal. What is the new equilibrium price and quantity in the market for coal for each case? Explain the process of how to get to the new equilibrium.

a. The development of a new, lower cost mining technique.

b. An increase in wages paid to coal miners.

c. The imposition of a $2 per ton tax on coal.

d. A government ban on all imports of coal.

e. A new government regulation requiring air purifiers in all work areas.

In: Economics

THE Aboitiz Group is laying off employees as a way to cope with the financial impact...

THE Aboitiz Group is laying off employees as a way to cope with the financial impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

In an e-mail to BusinessWorld, Aboitiz Group said the company has conducted a review of its operations amid the challenges posed by the current crisis.

“Part of the review (of operations) is the rationalization of its workforce, where, regrettably, several team members will be affected by their service ending on July 31, 2020,” the company said.

“They will receive a substantial separation package to support them through this transition,” it added.

The Aboitiz Group did not respond to questions on how many employees will be affected.

Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. (AEV), the listed holding company of the Aboitiz Group, posted a 42% drop in net income to P2 billion in the first quarter due to operational disruptions from the pandemic-induced lockdown.

Its power arm Aboitiz Power Corp., which made up for 55% of its net income, contributed 43% less to AEV’s first-quarter earnings at P1.6 billion. The decline is attributed to power outages and lower selling prices.

“This was not an easy decision for the Aboitiz Group to make but one that had to be done as it has not been spared by the health and economic crisis,” the company said about the layoffs.

“It is still not clear on how long the COVID-19 pandemic will last but we share everybody’s hope that a vaccine will be developed soon,” it added.

The government reported some 7.25 million Filipinos were already jobless in April, up by 4.98 million year on year.

Last month, the Labor department said some 10 million workers may lose jobs this year due to the pandemic.

Shares in AEV at the stock exchange fell P1.35 or 2.73% to P48.15 each on Tuesday.

Please answer below:

news article today on Aboitiz's Decision on Cut Jobs. Please read the article and relate the firm's decision to cut jobs. What has happened to the firm's/group's total cost, average total cost, and profits in the short- and long-run (time periods). Why?

In: Economics