how does providing organization-wide training be effective in eliminating workplace bullying?

how does providing organization-wide training be effective in eliminating workplace bullying?

In: Economics

13.1 Explain the claim adjudication process. 13.2 Describe the procedures for following up on claims after...

Explain the claim adjudication process.
Describe the procedures for following up on claims after they are sent to payers.
What is the definition of remittance advice (RA) and its use?
Identify at least three points that are reviewed on an RA.

In: Economics

Suppose a community faces a pollution problem because of emissions from a polluter with MAC=36- 2E....

Suppose a community faces a pollution problem because of emissions from a polluter with MAC=36- 2E. The information on pollution damages is given by MD=E .
(a) If there is a tax rate on emissions of $ 9/unit, then what is the emission level choosen by the polluter in equilibrium? What is the amount of its compliance costs?
(b) What is the socially efficient tax rate in the given situaton?
(c) Now imagine a situation where the polluter bargains with the community ( let's say, with the community government) and offers to pay $6 for each unit of emission ( i.e. $6/unit) it is allowed to produce. What level of emissions is the community likely to allow? What is the likely net gain to the community from allowing those units of emissions?

In: Economics

Identify and discuss the key macro and micro environmental factors affecting TOYS R US Company. How...

  1. Identify and discuss the key macro and micro environmental factors affecting TOYS R US Company. How has the company responded to these challenges?

In: Economics

Think of the ‘legacy cost’ problem associated with those US steel firms which face the prospect...

Think of the ‘legacy cost’ problem associated with those US steel firms which face the prospect of bankruptcy.  That is, the problem of retirees having their firm-provided pensions and health benefits threatened.  Many commentators agree that a suitable policy response to this issue would be the US government putting a strong emphasis on assisting with legacy costs provided that the steel companies concerned permanently close their high-cost steel plants.  By contrast, the use of tariffs (taxes on imported steel) has been widely criticized.  So why is the use of tariffs, in some ways, a politically easier option?  Also consider the steel tariffs put in place by President Trump.  Note which exporting countries are most heavily impacted

In: Economics

international relations Course the definitions must both define the term and explain why it is significant...

international relations Course

the definitions must both define the term and explain why it is significant for this course, i.e., why are we studying it in this course. So standard answers would include two sentences, with the first sentence defining the term and the second speaking to why it is significant.

could some one help me with this please.

45. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
46. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
47. The United Nations
48. The European Union
49. Cosmopolitanism
50. Schengen area
51. Eurozone
52. International treaty
53. Immanuel Kant
54. US Carrier Group
55. State of Nature (Hobbesian)

In: Economics

The following passage refers to the operation of a free-market economy. Delete the words (in italics)...

The following passage refers to the operation of a free-market economy. Delete the words (in italics) which are incorrect.

                In a totally free-market economy, the quantities of each type of good that are bought and sold, and the amounts of factors of production (labour, land and capital) that are used, are determined by the decisions of individual households and firms through the interaction of demand and supply.

                In goods markets, households are demanders and firms are suppliers. In labour markets, households are suppliers and firms are demanders.

                Demand and supply are brought into balance by the effects of changes in price. If supply exceeds demand in any market (a surplus), the price will fall. This will lead to a rise in the quantity demanded but a fall in the quantity supplied. If, however, demand exceeds supply in any market (a shortage), the price will rise. This will lead to a fall in the quantity demanded and a rise in the quantity supplied. In either case, the adjustment of price will ensure that demand and supply are brought into equilibrium, with any shortage or surplus being eliminated.

In: Economics

If production of a good increases from 48 to 118, what is the percentage change in...

If production of a good increases from 48 to 118, what is the percentage change in the quantity produced? Enter a number rounded to two decimal places. Do not enter a percent (%) sign.

The price of a good is $55. If the price of the good increases by 11% then what is the new price of the good? Enter a number rounded to two decimal places. Do not enter a dollar sign.

In: Economics

Use Excel to answer the following question: The capital fund for research project investment at a...

Use Excel to answer the following question:

The capital fund for research project investment at a corporation is limited to $100,000 for next year. The company uses an MARR of 15% per year. There are three independent project proposals (i.e., none, one or more can be selected) with pertinent information given in the below table.

Project Initial Investment ($) Annual Net Cash Flow ($/year) Life (years) Salvage Value ($)
A -25,000 6,000 4 4,000
B -30,000 9,000 4 -1,000
C -50,000 15,000 4 20,000

(a) Formulate the mutually-exclusive alternatives (i.e., bundles) without calculating any worth. Which of the mutually-exclusive alternatives are feasible? Comment.
(b) Use the Excel built-in function NPV to perform a PW analysis for selection and comment.

In: Economics

Should we keep the penny? The penny, and the nickel, both cost more to mint than...

Should we keep the penny? The penny, and the nickel, both cost more to mint than their face value. What do you think? Keep the penny? Change its composition? Why or why not?

In: Economics

The wholesale market for Gala apples is perfectly competitive consisting of identical individual producers with cost...

The wholesale market for Gala apples is perfectly competitive consisting of identical individual producers with cost function C = 200 + q2 where q is a firm’s number of crates of apples supplied. The current market price is P = $50 per crate q. Market demand for Gala apples is QD = 8,000 – 100P.
a. Find a typical firm’s supply function and the quantity a supplier produces at the $50 price.
b. Find the market quantity demanded at price $50.
c. Calculate the profit/loss for a supplier and show graphically the situation (for a firm and in the
d. Explain how this market will adjust to a long-run equilibrium. Find/calculate the long-run
equilibrium market price, quantity, and a firm’s profits. (Assume market demand remains constant but that the number of (identical) firms can increase/decrease, i.e., firms can enter/exit the market.) Show the long-run equilibrium graphically for a firm and in the market.
e. At the long-run equilibrium, how many firms exist in the market and how much does each supply?
f. Show on producer surplus and consumer surplus on your market graph above. Using these concepts, explain why we say that the competitive market output maximizes the economic welfare of suppliers and demanders.

(10 points) A firm’s production function is q = 10KL with per unit input prices for labor w = 3 and
capital r = 2. Support your answers with a graph of isoquant-isocosts.
a. Calculatetheleast-costinputcombinationofLandKtoproduce60unitsofoutput.
b. Suppose the wage decreases to $2. How does this affect input use holding constant output at 60? c. What are the total costs of producing the two output levels in parts (a) and (b)?

In: Economics

1. What is the relationship between the federal funds rate and Inflation? 2. if the graph...

1. What is the relationship between the federal funds rate and Inflation? 2. if the graph of federal rates is in recession, is the inflation graph in expansion? 3. How about vice versa? Please explain with definitions and examples from the US economy. This can be answered as a paragraph. Thank you.

In: Economics

Use Excel to answer the following question: Sundance Detective Agency purchased new surveillance equipment with the...

Use Excel to answer the following question:
Sundance Detective Agency purchased new surveillance equipment with the following estimates. Note: The year index is k = 1, 2, 3, ... to calculate the maintenance costs and extra revenues for the corresponding years.

First cost ($) 1,050
Annual maintenance cost ($ in year k) 70 + 5k
Extra revenue ($ in year k) 200 + 50k
Salvage value ($ at the end of the useful life) 600

(a) Prepare a cash-flow (CF) table, do present worth (PW) analysis using an appropriate Excel built-in function to calculate the discounted payback period x with a return of 10% per year.
(b) For a preliminary conclusion, should the equipment be purchased if the actual useful life is 7 years? Comment.

In: Economics

6. Cows are not endangered because a. they are a private good. b. there are laws...

6. Cows are not endangered because


they are a private good.


there are laws that protect property rights.


owners can profit off of cows.


All of the above.

7. Economists assume entrepreneurs are motivated by


an innate love for the type of business that he or she starts.


an altruistic desire to provide the world with a good product.


maximizing profits.


All of the above.

8. The things that must be forgone to acquire a good are called


implicit and explicit costs.


opportunity costs.


Both a and b.


None of the above.

9. An example of an opportunity cost that is also an explicit cost is


the value of a forgone business investment.


the cost of raw materials.


the value of the business owner’s time.


All of the above are correct.

10. On a 50-acre farm, a farmer is able to produce 2,000 bushels of wheat when he hires 2 workers. He is able to produce 2,800 bushels of wheat when he hires 3 workers. Which of the following possibilities is consistent with the property of diminishing marginal product?


The farmer is able to produce 3,000 bushels of wheat when he hires 4 workers.


The farmer is able to produce 3,200 bushels of wheat when he hires 4 workers.


The farmer is able to produce 3,400 bushels of wheat when he hires 4 workers.


Any of the above could be correct.

In: Economics

Use the short-run asset approach to predict the effect of a temporary increase in money supply...

Use the short-run asset approach to predict the effect of a temporary increase in money supply in the U.S. on expected future exchange rate of dollar against euro and spot exchange rate of dollar against euro.  

In: Economics