A linear industry demand function of the firm’s product was estimated using regression analysis. The results...

A linear industry demand function of the firm’s product was estimated using regression analysis. The results of this estimation are as follows: Q = a + bX where X is product’s own price. The team will use the results of the model only at confidence level = 90.00 %.

Dependent Variable Y R-Square F-Ratio P-Value On F
Observations 10 0.5223 8.747 0.0187
Variable Parameter Estimate Standard Error T-Ratio P-Value
Intercept 800 189.125 4.23 0.0029
X -2.5 0.85 -2.94 0.0187
  1. What do the parameter estimates mean as given in output table in terms of their value and sign?
  2. What is the interpretation of R2 value given in output table?
  3. Why don’t you see multiple R2 in this table?
  4. What is the meaning of standard error of X here?
  5. How is the t-statistic for X used ?

Only this information is given to solve this.

In: Economics

hospital privileges usually restrict what physicians can do. Medical licenses do not. what drives their difference?...

hospital privileges usually restrict what physicians can do. Medical licenses do not. what drives their difference?

10 points

In: Economics

give an example of a healthcare product that is financed by the government but produced by...

give an example of a healthcare product that is financed by the government but produced by private firms. Can you explain why this arrangement exits?

In: Economics

Why did J. B Clark maintain that perfectly competitive markets would yield a just and fair...

Why did J. B Clark maintain that perfectly competitive markets would yield a just and fair distribution of income? What were the errors that would result from competitive markets?. Discuss your answer around 3000 word and above

In: Economics

why I have seen so many percentages for okun's law. Currently I have found out many...

why I have seen so many percentages for okun's law. Currently I have found out many versions like 2 percent 3 percent 4 percent. Which figure I should use?

In: Economics

How the Human Resources Department rewards the employees?

How the Human Resources Department rewards the employees?

In: Economics

Given a concave production function showing output per worker on the vertical axis and capital equipment...

  1. Given a concave production function showing output per worker on the vertical axis and capital equipment per worker on the horizontal axis as shown below

           What would be the effect, on the production function, of technological innovation that improves the capital equipment available to the workers? Briefly comment on the implications of such technological innovations for continued improvements in living standards in the long-run?

In: Economics

If we accept the argument that the use of addictive drugs tends to lead to an...

If we accept the argument that the use of addictive drugs tends to lead to an increase in other types of crime because users of such drugs tend to commit other crimes in order to fund their drug habit,Explain, using the concept of elasticity of demand and a well labelled diagram, why a policy of prohibiting the sale of such drugs is not likely to reduce crime committed by drug addicts.

In: Economics

If we accept the argument that the use of addictive drugs tends to lead to an...

If we accept the argument that the use of addictive drugs tends to lead to an increase in other types of crime because users of such drugs tend to commit other crimes in order to fund their drug habit,Explain, using the concept of elasticity of demand and a well labelled diagram, why a policy emphasizing education about the dangers of drugs, and treatment of addicts is more likely to succeed in reducing crime committed by addicts and other illicit drug users.

In: Economics

1. In a Bertrand model with identical firms and a non-differentiated product, price will increase in...

1. In a Bertrand model with identical firms and a non-differentiated product, price will increase in response to:

a-) an increase in the number of firms.

b-) a decrease in the number of firms.

c-) an increase in marginal cost.

d-) a decrease in marginal cost.

2. Which of the following is not a feature of the Cournot model?

a Group of answer choices

b In a Cournot equilibrium, neither firm can change its production and make more profit.

c In a Cournot equilibrium the firms are working together to make the most profit possible.

d As the number of firms in the market increases the Cournot equilibrium price approaches the perfectly competitive price.

e If the number of the firms in the market decreases to one, the Cournot equi- librium price is just monopoly price.

f more than one of the above is incorrect

3. Assuming a homogeneous product, the Bertrand equilibrium price is

a independent of the number of firms

b independent of the firm's marginal costs

c equal to the Cournot equilibrium price

d equal to the monopoly price

In: Economics

Given a closed, private economy where aggregate demand (AD) can be represented as AD = c0...

Given a closed, private economy where aggregate demand (AD) can be represented as AD = c0 + c1Y + I0 where c0 is autonomous private consumption, c1 is the marginal propensity to consume, I0 is autonomous business investment, and Y is national income.Central banks conduct monetary policy. Explain how through their conduct of monetary policy central banks can influence the level of economic activity in an economy.

In: Economics

1. Can economic growth last forever? 2. What are the main limits to economic growth? 3....

1. Can economic growth last forever?

2. What are the main limits to economic growth?

3. Does prosperity require economic growth?

In: Economics

What did the lawmakers in the congressional hearing shown in the Hot Coffee movie, regarding caps...

  1. What did the lawmakers in the congressional hearing shown in the Hot Coffee movie, regarding caps on damages in civil lawsuits, say about how the issue in the civil cases compares with allowing juries to freely decide on death penalty cases?

In: Economics

1.The purpose of immigration to Australia 2.Tasks that they perform in Australia 3.Hardships during Covid-19 Australia...

1.The purpose of immigration to Australia

2.Tasks that they perform in Australia

3.Hardships during Covid-19 Australia

4.Feelings about the Australia

5.Possible solution & reflection about policies due to Covid 19 in Australia

In: Economics

You and your partners have decided to open a small printing and copying business in a...

You and your partners have decided to open a small printing and copying business in a college town of 100,000 people in Canada. Your business will compete with companies like FedEx Office. You know that over 50% of small businesses fail in their first year, so to increase your chances of success, you have decided to perform a detailed analysis of the task environment of the copying business to discover what opportunities and threats you will encounter.
1. Decide what you must know about (a) your future customers, (b) your future competitors, and (c) other critical forces in the task environment if you are to be successful.
2. Based on this analysis, list some steps you would take to help your new copying business succeed.

In: Economics