Imagine that you are an economic adviser on trade for the government of Country X. A...

Imagine that you are an economic adviser on trade for the government of Country X. A trade partner, call it Country Y, has just raised tariffs on your exports to Country Y. You are told that your country will be responding with tariffs of their own. Two of the largest imports to Country X from Country Y are unfinished timber ()wood and candy. Which of these two goods would you tell the government to put a tariff on? Why? If you had the opinion of imposing a quota instead of a tariff, would you switch to the quota or stick with the tariff. Why?

In: Economics

What challenges does Volvo trucks face in maintaining the success it has achieved with this campaign?

What challenges does Volvo trucks face in maintaining the success it has achieved with this campaign?

In: Economics

1. Evaluate the extent to which globalisation inevitably leads to a rise in income and wealth...

1. Evaluate the extent to which globalisation inevitably leads to a rise in income and wealth inequality in one or more countries of your choice . Please Discuss in Detail

In: Economics

1. Nineteenth century liberalism included the idea of all of the following except              a.         property qualifications for...

1. Nineteenth century liberalism included the idea of all of the following except

             a.         property qualifications for voting.

b.         women's suffrage.

c.         a government of limited powers.

d.         protection of basic civil rights.

e.         a constitutional state or government.

2.  The so-called "scramble" for Africa occurred

             a.         between 1815 and 1850.

b.         during the French Revolution.

c.         between the 1880s and 1900.

d.         in the 1500s.

e.         in the 1600s.

3. Woodrow Wilson's peace goals included all of the following except

a.         punishment of Germany for starting the war.

b.         open covenants of peace instead of secret diplomacy.

c.         reduction of national armaments.

d.         self-determination.

e.         a general association of nation to guarantee territorial integrity.

4. The Suez Canal is in what nation?

a.         Panama.

b.         Italy.

c.         Germany.

d.         Egypt.

e.         Great Britain.

5. Economically, colonies were important in

a.         providing markets for manufacturing items produced in the mother


b.         producing manufactured goods to be sold in the mother country.

c.         providing soldiers for the colonial armies.

d.         purchasing raw materials from the mother country.

e.         investing financial resources in the mother country.

In: Economics

1. Evaluate the extent to which globalisation inevitably leads to a rise in income and wealth...

1. Evaluate the extent to which globalisation inevitably leads to a rise in income and wealth inequality in one or more countries of your choice . Please Discuss in Detail

In: Economics

Why would you be interested in protecting your chosen business from being copied by others’? Would...

Why would you be interested in protecting your chosen business from being copied by others’? Would you want to patent your idea or would you keep it a trade secret? Explain your choice in detail!

In: Economics

Provide information and advice to line managers on marketing issues, prepare, analyze and interpret monthly marketing...

Provide information and advice to line managers on marketing issues, prepare, analyze and interpret monthly marketing reports, monitor and control the marketing budget.

1.Refer the above duties and identify possible critical success factors to which these duties might apply.

2.Using these duties, identify possible strategic objectives to which these duties might apply.

3.As a manager, how might you motivate the job holders of these duties?

4.For these duties, develop two performance standards

5.What does a manager need to do to ensure that satisfactory performance occurs in the above duties?

In: Economics

In a monetary policy move at the end of 2016, the U.S Federal Reserve Bank, the...

In a monetary policy move at the end of 2016, the U.S Federal Reserve Bank, the country’s central bank raised interest rate citing a stronger economic growth and rising employment. Here in Asia, currencies have generally been weakening against the US dollar as money has flown out of Asia and into the dollar.

Sources: BBC News, 15 & 16 December 2018

a) How have the Asian countries been affected by the increase in the U.S. interest rates?

b) In the absence of government intervention in Asian countries to the increase in U.S. interest rates, identify and explain two possible beneficial and two non-beneficial effects on the economy.

In: Economics

Consider the role of technological progress in economic growth by reference to the various theories of...

Consider the role of technological progress in economic growth by reference to the various theories of growth covered: the Swan-Solow growth theory, endogenous growth theory and the demand-led growth theory.

In: Economics

For each of the following, indicate how you might apply the four core principles of economics....

For each of the following, indicate how you might apply the four core principles of economics.

  1. You are considering whether you should vote in the next election.

  2. You watch a beautiful sunset from the back porch of your home.

  3. Should you major in economics or philosophy?

  4. Should you and your spouse purchase a second vehicle?

In: Economics

What/how will financial institutions change going forward to get the US economy back on track after...

What/how will financial institutions change going forward to get the US economy back on track after the coronavirus?

In: Economics

Every month you spend $1, 500 on education and the rest of your income is used...

Every month you spend $1, 500 on education and the rest of your income is used for the consumption of other goods. On the unforeseen circumstance of COVID-19, the government ensures no change in your income through a cash transfer to your nominated bank account. At the same time, the university provides you a $1000 voucher to use for your education expense only. If your preference pattern satisfies all textbook assumptions, in a diagram, show the effect of the voucher on your optimal consumption. If, instead of a voucher, the university provides you a cash transfer of the same amount to your bank account, will you be better off? How will your answer be different if your education expense is $900 instead of $1,500? Explain in the diagram.

In: Economics

Explain the law of increasing opportunity cost with the aid of a PPF diagram.

Explain the law of increasing opportunity cost with the aid of a PPF diagram.

In: Economics

write on the growth of sharing economy and its impact on traditional business models.

write on the growth of sharing economy and its impact on traditional business models.

In: Economics

Consumer purchase decision process includes five stages, from need recognition to post – purchase evaluation. Please...

Consumer purchase decision process includes five stages, from need recognition to post – purchase evaluation. Please identify the level of consumer involvement for the following products (companies), and show which stages of DMP consumers go through when they consider purchase.

  1. Soft drink
  2. Tiffany Jewlry
  3. Cronenberg Beer
  4. Airlines for business trip
  5. Job for your career
  6. Rolls Royce
  7. Breakfast cereal

In: Economics