The EuropoTron europium (Eu) mine is currently mothballed (i.e., shut down). The EuropoTron mine cannot re-start...

The EuropoTron europium (Eu) mine is currently mothballed (i.e., shut down). The EuropoTron mine cannot re-start production until one year from now. EuropoTron knows with certainty that the market price of europium per ton will be $930 next year. EuropoTron’s marginal cost of production is MC(q) = 10 + q, where cost is measured in dollars per ton of europium and q is measured in tons of europium. EuropoTron’s reserve is X = 900 tons. Assume that a competitor, MegaEuropo, is offering EuropoTron $400,000 for the nowdormant mine. If EuropoTron applies an annual discount rate of r = 0.05, should the company accept MegaEuropo’s offer and sell the mine now? Or should it start up the mine, which will allow it to extract europium next year and earn the associated rents? State which option you think EuropoTron should choose. Justify your conclusion using complete sentences, numerical evidence and, optionally, one or more economic graphs.

In: Economics

whatcauss demand-inflation

whatcauss demand-inflation

In: Economics

To what extent were Quesnay and Turgot precursors to Smith? Be sure to discuss the main...

To what extent were Quesnay and Turgot precursors to Smith? Be sure to discuss the main similarities and differences between their work and Smith’s. (Essay Question)

In: Economics

Compare and constrast how the different economies (capitalism, socialism, planned and mixed) view and copy with...

Compare and constrast how the different economies (capitalism, socialism, planned and mixed) view and copy with social problems of poverty.

In: Economics

The development of the early humanities focusing on the relationship between religion, science, and literature. Begin...

The development of the early humanities focusing on the relationship between religion, science, and literature. Begin by explaining ancient Greek views of the gods, including how they influenced culture and how their stories were transmitted. Then identify some of the questions that led the ancients away from these religious stories the philosophical views that emerged from these discussions. Conclude by explaining one topic that we in the 21st century still wrestle with.

The goal of this assignment is to work with the course materials and your own knowledge to create an understanding of the questions/prompt above

In: Economics

What are the 6 major segments of the foreign exchange market according to the text? Who...

What are the 6 major segments of the foreign exchange market according to the text? Who are the participants in the foreign exchange market? Give examples.

In: Economics

Suppose your grade in one of your classes is hovering between an A and B. How...

Suppose your grade in one of your classes is hovering between an A and B. How would you apply the seven steps in the personal selling process to convince your professor that you deserve an A?

*I also need a reference for this answer.

In: Economics

Barack Obama made excellent use of public relations as a candidate for the Presidency. Now, as...

Barack Obama made excellent use of public relations as a candidate for the Presidency. Now, as President of the United States, he will continue to use public relations activities. Review the six public relations functions (p. 460) and discuss how the Obama administration is making use of each.

*I also need a reference for this answer.

In: Economics

What factors does a cosmetics company need to consider when designing its marketing channel for a...

What factors does a cosmetics company need to consider when designing its marketing channel for a new low-priced line of cosmetics?

* I also need a reference for this answer.

In: Economics

Consider the following production possibilities schedule for two goods- Tshirts and running shoes: Running shoes (per...

Consider the following production possibilities schedule for two goods- Tshirts and running shoes:

Running shoes (per month)

Tshirts (per month)











A) Suppose that this economy is currently producing 1000 running shoes per month (on its ppf). At this allocation what is the opportunity cost of producing 2000 more tshirts. Show the calculaitons

B) What are some differences between a PPF that is curved outward and one that is a straight line? Explain.

In: Economics

Describe the three types of appeals used in marketing communications messages and develop three different advertisements...

Describe the three types of appeals used in marketing communications messages and develop three different advertisements for the same brand of a product of your choice, each using a different appeal.

*I also need a reference for this answer.

In: Economics

What is dealignment? Has this occurred in American politics, and if so, when?

What is dealignment? Has this occurred in American politics, and if so, when?

In: Economics

Which forms of mass media traditionally have been the most relied on? Which forms have grown...

Which forms of mass media traditionally have been the most relied on? Which forms have grown in importance? Define policy formulation and provide two examples of instances where this takes place. What is the role public opinion plays in a representative democracy?

In: Economics

What product flow metrics should retail markets analyze when assessing the impact of COVID-19 on grocery...

What product flow metrics should retail markets analyze when assessing the impact of COVID-19 on grocery product categories such as grab-and-go/convenience items?  

In: Economics

Amidst the current pandemic, how can supermarkets adjust their supply chain/logistics strategies on grocery product categories...

Amidst the current pandemic, how can supermarkets adjust their supply chain/logistics strategies on grocery product categories such as grab-and-go/convenience items?

In: Economics