
In: Biology

please fill out the definitions : 31. Efferent 32. Endothelial cells 33. Epithelial cell 34. Epitope...

please fill out the definitions :

31. Efferent

32. Endothelial cells

33. Epithelial cell

34. Epitope (antigenic determinant)

35. Extravasation/transmigration

36. Follicle (primary and secondary)

37. Follicular dendritic cell (FDC)

38. Germinal center

39. Granulocyte

40. H-2

41. Haplotype

42. Herd immunity

43. Histocompatibility

44. HLA

45. Host (with regard to pathogen)

46. Humoral immunity

47. Hybridoma

48. Immunity

49. Inflammation

50. Innate immunity

51. Latency

52. Lectin

53. Leukocytes

54. Memory cell

55. Major histocompatability complex (MHC)

56. Monoclonal antibody

57. Myeloid cells

58. Negative selection

59. Opsonin

60. PAMP


Expert Solution

31. Efferent:Thick mylienated nerve type A alpha nerve fibre.

32. Endothelial cells: Endothelial cells are seen in flims prepared from venous blood samples. They hav e either plemorphic oval nuclei with a grroved surface. The cytoplasm is scanty and the cell outline is irregular. they tend to occur in clumps. It is important not to confuse normal endothelitical cells with carcinoma cells which are occasionaly seen in the circulating blood.

33. Epithelial cell:Epithelial cells pack tightly together and form continuous sheets that line different parts of the body.its function as protection, secretion, transport and absorption.

34. Epitope (antigenic determinant): Antigenic determinant is a cluster of epitopes on the surfac eof an antigen. Antigen has several determinants each structurally different from each other. A monoclonal antibody reacts with only one antigen.

35.Extravasation/transmigration:The process of leucocytes from lument o the interstital tissue. The three steps of extravastion are margination,rolling and adhesion to endothelium in the lumen.

36. Follicle (primary and secondary):primary:mall round masses of cells which are inactive due to the absence of antigenic stimulation, contains mature resting B cells.

secondary:Large masses of follicles containing germinal layers generated during an encounter with antigens carried by lymph.

37. Follicular dendritic cell (FDC): FDCs are found only in lymphoid follicles and express complement receptors(CR1, CR2, CR3) and Fc receptors, are involved in displaying antigens for the selection of germinal center B cells.

38. Germinal center:Germinal centers or germinal centres (GCs) are web sites within secondary lymphoid organs lymph nodes and the spleen in which mature B cells proliferate, differentiate, and mutate their antibody genes (through somatic hypermutation geared toward attaining higher affinity), and transfer the elegance of their antibodies (for example from IgM to IgG) at some point of a normal immune response to an contamination. They expand dynamically after the activation of follicular B cells by using T-based antigen.

39.Granulocytes: Granulocytes are a class of white blood cells characterised by way of the presence of granules of their cytoplasm.they may be additionally called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN, PML, or PMNL) due to the various shapes of the nucleus, that is normally lobed into three segments.

40.H-2:Hydrogen is a atomic element WHICH HAS ATOMIC NUMBER OF 1 and an atomic weight of 1.0079. It combines with oxygen to shape water (H20) and is found in all natural compounds. some kinds of bacteria can metabolise atmospheric hydrogen (H2).

41. Haplotype: It is a combination of alleles on a single chromosome.if there are two heterozygous loci there are two possible halophytes.

42. Herd immunity:Resistance of a group to a disease to which a large proportion of teh members are decreases the probability of contacts between infected patients and suspectible individuals.

43. Histocompatibility: There are the antigens present on individuals of species. These proteins are alloantigens. They differ among members of same species. These antigens are encoded by genes known as histcompatibility genes which collectively consitute major histocompatibility complex (MHC).

44. HLA:The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) machine or complex is a gene complicated encoding the essential histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins in people. those cellular-floor proteins are answerable for the regulation of the immune machine in human beings. The HLA gene complex is living on a three Mbp stretch within chromosome 6p21.

45. Host (with regard to pathogen): A host is which gives shelter to pathogen.Pathogen are defined as microbes capable pof causing host damage.

46. Humoral immunity:immune response involving the transformation of B cells into plasma cells that produce and secrete antibodies to a specific antigen.

47. Hybridoma:Hybridomas are produced through injecting a particular antigen into a mouse, accumulating an antibody-producing mobile from the mouse's spleen, and fusing it with a tumor cell referred to as a myeloma mobile. The hybridoma cells multiply indefinitely in the laboratory and may be used to supply a particular antibody indefinitely.

48. Immunity: The human body has the abilit to resist almost all types of organisms or toxins that tend to damage the tissues and organs. this capability is known as immunity.

49. Inflammation: Local, vascular, lymphatic and cellular reactions of living tissue against as irritant.

50. Innate immunity: Protection aganist infection that relieves on mechanisms that exists before infection and are capable of rapid response to pathogens.

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