Long term care includes the number of services and support for
your personal care needs. Long term care usually includes the care
of person or assist the person in the activities of daily
Medicare doesn't provide any long term care service to
the persons rather than it provide other medical services which has
certain limitations or restrictions. These services are as
- Skilled- Nursing Care: Medicare helps you by
providing you the skilled nursing care and by paying for it.
Medicare pay the cost of your skilled nursing care for first 20
days after that you have to pay some co-insurance amount per day
and then after 100 days of skilled nursing care medicare stop
paying for you.
- Health Care at Home: If the person under long
term treatment needs care at home, medicare will pay for nurses and
other practicioners for providing you the health care at home. It
will not exceed for than 35 hours per week. Person will increase
the hours by consulting with the physician.
- Hospice Care: It is the care of terminal ill
patient who will not get treatment for his terminal illness and
doctor will also certifies him that he will not live more than six
months. This care is provided to the person upto long time by
medicare as per the doctor says that the person is terminally