
In: Statistics and Probability

18517 150576 5637 3315 33798 2243 2826 31921 1212 2018 27231 923 1845 11091 383 1666...

18517 150576 5637
3315 33798 2243
2826 31921 1212
2018 27231 923
1845 11091 383
1666 7973 330
1401 2773 293
1340 2660 283
1019 1285 282

Row 1: confirmed cases CA row 2: confirmed cases Row 3: confirmed cases WA

Your assignment is to analyze the relationship between two sets of scores using the inferential statistical procedure of an independent two sample t-hypothesis test. Using StatCrunch SPSS, you must calculate and analyze both descriptive and inferential statistics data. The data collection in analysis for this final project is aligned with concepts learned during several weeks of this course.

The data you are being provided with relates to information collected pertaining to the current COVID-19 pandemic. You are being asked to analyze this “case” data derived from 3 states California, New York, and Washington state, each row within the states represent confirmed cases by 9 (n=9) counties. The data from each state identifies the actual number of confirmed COVID-19 cases as of late April 2020, your role as a behavioral research assistant is to analyze the data from your choice of only two of these states (choose and compare CA: to either NY or WA state) and demonstrate whether or not there is a statistical difference in the number of identified cases between your choice of two states. Critical elements or parts of this final project include knowledge of; descriptive statistics, the statistical cycle of inquiry (inferential set up), and inferential statistics.


Expert Solution

we choose NY(row 2) and WA (row 3)

Descriptive statistics

There seems to be difference in standard deviation , hence we choose unequal variance

Using Excel

data -> data analysis -> t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

TS = 1.824

p-value = 0.1056

since p-value

> alpha, we fail to reject the null hypothesis

we conclude that there is not significant difference in means

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Confirmed Cases CA: 18517, 3315, 2826, 2018, 1845, 1666, 1401, 1340, 1019 Confirmed Cases WA: 5637, 2243, 1212, 923, 383, 330, 293, 283, 282 The data you are being provided with relates to information collected about the current COVID-19 pandemic. You are being asked to analyze this “case” data. Hypothesis Test Conclusion (i.e. Does score fall into the region of rejection; “significant” or “non-significant”; retain or reject Null, etc.; show probability equation found in the research literature)? Hypothesis Test Conclusion...
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