
In: Nursing

A Physician decided to do an incision into the trachea in a patient having difficulty of...

A Physician decided to do an incision into the trachea in a patient having difficulty of breathing. What procedure is he planning to do? The Physician also mentioned that he needs to insert an indwelling tube into the trachea. How will the Physician write down this next procedure?


Expert Solution

The procedure,that the physician planning to do is Tracheostomy.A Tracheostomy is a surgical opening into the trachea below the larynx through which an indwelling tube is placed to overcome upper airway obstruction,fecilitate mechanical ventillator support or the removal of tracheo-broncheal secretions.

Indications for Tracheostomy


birth defects of the airway

burns of the airway

cancer in the neck

chronic lung disease


diaphragm dysfunction

facial burns or surgery


injury to the larynx

injury to the chest wall

need for prolonged respiratory or ventillator support

obstruction of the airway by foreign body

paralysis of the muscles used for swallowing

severe neck or mouth injuries


vocal cord paralysis


If Tracheostomy is planned,the patient will be instructed to take fasting up to 12 hours before the procedure.The patient will be given general anaesthesia.The surgeon will make cut into patient's neck below the adams apple.The cut will go through the cartilaginousrings of the outer wall ofthe trachea,also known as the windpipe.The hole is then openedwide enough to fit a tracheostomy tube inside.The doctor may hook up the tubeto a ventillator,in case in case the patient need a mechine to breath.The tube wii be secured in place with band that goes arund patient's neck.

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