Problems with simply measuring key performance targets in a
rather static (say, annual) way, particularly for fast-moving
organizations which are exposed to significant external change are
explained below in relevant points:
- Technological and Innovation- Technology
changes is an important aspect to make the company successful in
terms of overall system and management structure.
- Structural Changes - Due to strategc and
tactical changes in the company, structural changes may also occur.
For example : one company acquires another business.
- Market challenges - There may be sevaral
changes in the lifestyle, demand, supply and pricing of products of
any company. So, this can also be a major challenge for the
- Globalization - As a result of globalization,
there is an increased opportunity for the companies. However, there
is also increased competition. Threrefore, threats of new entrants
is also a major challenge for the fast -moving organizations.