In: Nursing
List risk factors for coronary heart disease, and identify possible interrelationships among the factors. For example; a woman over 55 years of age is also at risk for diabetes; a person with diabetes is more likely to have hypertension.
Risk factors-
-family history
-over weight
-sedentary lifestyle
-high triglycerides levels
-increased homocysteine level
-over stressed life
-menopause in female
Excessive alcohol consumption .... Etc
Interrelationship - - over weight and sedentary lifestyle carry a person in diabetes risk because of inactivity of insulin.
Higher cholesterol and triglyceride level deposit in arteries help in the formation of atherosclerosis with high homocysteine level.
Smoking cause arteritis and sudden increase in blood pressure by 4mmhg and alcohol by 3 mmhg
HTN cause destruction of atherosclerotic plaque and high homocysteine help in delayed healing.
Before menopause oestrogen level is high it prevent from heart disease after menopause it becomes low and does not present to protect.
Old age is more prone to get coronary disease
Man have more chanses to get Cad instead of female gender
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