Steam is supplied to a turbine at 50Bar, 400oC. It expands in the first stage until it is dry saturated and then reheated to 400oC before expanding in the second stage to a condenser pressure of 0.05 Bar. Calculate the work output, Specific Steam Consumption (SSC) and the Rankine efficiency Compare these values with those obtained by a single stage expansion without reheat. Note - Neglect feed pump work
In: Mechanical Engineering
A 100mm shaft is loaded with a torque of 100Nm and a bending moment of 50Nm. As a designer you need to select a material to find a suitable material for size, weight and cost. Using Von-Mises stress and the distortion energy failure theory determine the sizing / weight and cost for each of the three materials below. Complete the table with your answers and show all work.
Yield Strength |
Density (kg/m^3) |
Cost ($/kg) |
Required Diameter (mm) |
Weight (kg) |
Cost ($) |
60MPa |
7000 |
1 |
100MPa |
6500 |
1.7 |
120MPa |
8000 |
1.9 |
In: Mechanical Engineering
A plain carbon steel ball 2 mm in diameter is heated to 1200 K in an oven and then cooled slowly in ambient air at 300 K. The convection heat transfer coefficient between air and this steel ball is 20 W / (m2 * K). You can find the density, specific heat and thermal conductivity from the property tables attached in text book with reasonable assumptions. Please derive an equation estimating the changes of the temperature of this ball with time, and the time needed for this steel ball to be cooled to 400 K with the radiation heat loss ignored. Please comments if the ignorance of radiation heat loss in this question in reasonable by checking the possible contribution of radiation to heat loss at three temperature points.
In: Mechanical Engineering
For each problem, sketch the appropriate process diagram on a T-v, P-v, or P-h diagram
4.60 : Steam exiting the turbine of a power plant passes through the insulated shell-and-tube heat exchanger condenser. The mass flow rate of the steam is 145 kg/s, and the steam enters the heat exchanger as a saturated mixture with a quality of 0.95 at 20 kPa. The steam exits the condenser as a saturated liquid at 20 kPa. Liquid cooling water is used to condense the steam. The cooling water enters the condenser at 10 degrees celsius. (a) Determine the exit temperature of the liquid cooling water if the mass flow rate is 4000 kg/s. (b) Using your heat exchanger model, plot the cooling water mass flow rate and volumetric flow rate (entering the condenser) for exit temperatures ranging from 15 degrees celsius to 55 degrees celsius. (c) if the exit temperature of the cooling water is regulated such that it must be no greater than 40 degrees celsius, and if the cooling water flow rate through the condenser can be adjusted in a range from 500 kg/s to 2000 kg/s, what is the range of maximum possible flow rates of steam through the condenser?
In: Mechanical Engineering
Combustion gases passing through a 0.08-m-internal-diameter circular tube are used to vaporize waste water at atmospheric pressure. Hot gases enter the tube at 115 kPa and 250°C at a mean velocity of 5 m/s and leave at 150°C. The average heat transfer coefficient is 120 W/m2·K and the inner surface temperature of the tube is 110°C.
The properties of air at the average temperature of (250+150)/2=200°C are:
cp = 1023 J/kg.°C
R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K
A) Determine the mass flow rate of the exhaust gases in kg/s.
B) The mass flow rate of exhaust gases is 0.019256706 kg/s. Determine the rate of heat transfer.
C) The rate of heat transfer is 1969.961058 W. Determine the surface area of the underwater duct.
D) The surface area of an underwater duct is 0.205657855 m2. Determine the tube length.
E) Find the rate of evaporation of water. [kg/hr]
In: Mechanical Engineering
For each problem, sketch the appropriate process diagram on a T-v, P-v or P-h diagram
1) Oil enters the outer tube of an insulated concentric tube heat exchanger at a temperature of 500k, and exits at a temperature of 400k. The mass flow rate of the oil is 5 kg/s, and the oil has a specific heat of Cp=1.91 kJ/kg*K. Saturated liquid water at 100 degrees celsius enters the inner tube, and exits at 100 degrees celsius with a quality of 0.20. Determine the mass flow rate of the water.
In: Mechanical Engineering
6.5 An engine manufacturer has decided to change one of its engines from a spark ignition type to a compression ignition type. If the swept volume is unchanged, what effect will the change have on:
(i) maximum torque?
(ii) maximum power?
(iii) the speed at which maximum power occurs?
(iv) economy of operation?
In: Mechanical Engineering
In a solar hot water heater, oil is used Using the "effectiveness - NTU" function in the EES Heat Transfer options, calculate the length of pipe and the exit temperature of the water for the following heat exchanger configurations: counter-flow, parallalel-flow, and a 2-pass shell and tube HX. Use the operating conditions listed below to rank the 3 HX configurations based on effectiveness.
Fluids (water: Cp=4.189 kJ/kg-K, oil: Cp=1.75 kJ/kg-K)
mass flow rate (water: 0.5 kg/s, oil: 0.1 kg/s)
pipe diameter = 1 inch
overall heat transfer coefficient = 75 W/m2-K
Ti_water=25 C Ti_oil=120 C To_oil=75 C
Provide a schematic for each of these HX configurations
In: Mechanical Engineering
In a winter season when outside temperature is –1oC, the inside of house is to be maintained at 25oC. Estimate the minimum power required to run the heat pump of maintaining the temperature. Assume heating load as 125 MJ/h.
What would be maximum efficiency of engine that
can be had between the temperatures of 1150oC
and 27oC ?
1.A heat engine is supplied with 278 kJ/s of heat at a constant fixed temperature of 283°C and the heat rejection takes place at 5°C. The following results were reported :
(i) 208 kJ/s are rejected, (ii) 139 kJ/s are rejected, (ii) 70 kJ/s are rejected.
Classify which of the results report a reversible cycle or irreversible cycle or impossible results.
In: Mechanical Engineering
In a winter season when outside temperature is –1oC, the inside of house is to be maintained at 25oC. Estimate the minimum power required to run the heat pump of maintaining the temperature. Assume heating load as 125 MJ/h.
What would be maximum efficiency of engine that
can be had between the temperatures of 1150oC
and 27oC ?
1.A heat engine is supplied with 278 kJ/s of heat at a constant fixed temperature of 283°C and the heat rejection takes place at 5°C. The following results were reported :
(i) 208 kJ/s are rejected, (ii) 139 kJ/s are rejected, (ii) 70 kJ/s are rejected.
Classify which of the results report a reversible cycle or irreversible cycle or impossible results.
In: Mechanical Engineering
Determine whether the following measurements are intrusive or non-intrusive.
(a) Measuring amperage of current in a wire using clamp-on-ammeter
(b) Measuring flow of fluid in a pipe by installing an orifice meter in the pipe
(c) Measuring composition of gases in an exhaust using a device which optically measures transmitted infrared radiation
(d) Determining the surface temperature of a pipe using a thermometer that measures the emitted infrared radiation
(e) Rotational speed of a shaft indicated by a strobotachometer
In: Mechanical Engineering
so I am applying to a field engineer position at Schlumberger, if asked, what do you usually do in your free time? what's a best answer for this? also, what's the biggest decision you have made in your life or biggest challenge? consider I am an international student
In: Mechanical Engineering
With the aid of a diagram explain how a thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometer functions for the analysis of VOCs.
In: Mechanical Engineering
Refrigerant 134a enters an air conditioner compressor at 4 bar, 20°C, and is compressed at steady state to 12 bar, 80°C. The volumetric flow rate of the refrigerant entering is 7.5 m3/min. The work input to the compressor is 112.5 kJ per kg of refrigerant flowing. Neglecting kinetic and potential energy effects, determine the magnitude of the heat transfer rate from the compressor, in kW.
In: Mechanical Engineering
One kilogram of water in a piston-cylinder assembly undergoes the two internally reversible processes in series. P1 = 0.1 MPa, T1 = 100C, s1 = s2 = 7.3164 kJ/kg*K, P2 = 0.5 MPa, T2 = T3, P3 = 1.5 MPa, and u1 = 2506.7 kJ/kg. Find T2. Legibly show and explain all work, units, and formulas.
In: Mechanical Engineering