In: Economics
Problem 3
Prove each of the following statements about the steady state of the Solow model with population growth and technological progress.
a. The capital– output ratio is constant.
b. Capital and labor each earn a constant share of an economy’s income. [Hint: Recall the definition MPK= f( k + 1) - f(k).]
c. Total capital income and total labor income both grow at the rate of population growth plus the rate of technological progress, n + g.
d. The real rental price of capital is constant, and the real wage grows at the rate of technological progress g. ( Hint: The real rental price of capital equals total capital income divided by the capital stock, and the real wage equals total labor income divided by the labor force.)
(a) The capital-output ratio is constant.
Ans: In the steady state, we know that sy = (n + ? + g)k.
implies that ky
= s
(n+?+g). Since s, ?, n, and g are constant, this
means that the ratio ky
is also constant. Since ky
= K/L
Y/L = KY,
we can conclude that in the steady state, the capital-output ratio
(b) Capital and labor each earn a constant share of an economy’s
Ans: We know that capital’s share of income = MPK(KY) in the
steady state, we know from part (a) that the capital-output
ratio KY
is constant. We also know that the MPK is a function of k,
is constant in the steady state; therefore the MPK itself must
constant. Thus, capital’s share of income is constant. Labor’s
of income is 1-[capital’s share]. Hence,if capital’s share is
so is labor’s share. (c) Total capital income and total labor
income both grow at the rate of
population growth plus the rate of technological progress, n +
Ans: We know that in the steady state, total income grows at
the rate of population growth plus the rate of technological
In part (b) we showed that labor’s and capital’s share of income
constant. If the shares are constant, and total income grows at
rate n + g, then labor income and capital income must also grow
the rate n + g.
(d) The real rental price of capital is constant, and the real
wage grows
at the rate of technological progress g.
Ans: For competitive firms MPK = rP
We know that in the steady
state, MPK is constant because capital per effective worker k
constant. Therefore, we can conclude that the real rental price
capital is constant in the steady state. The real wage equals
labor income divided by the labor force: w
P = TLI/L Equivalently,
wL = TLI. In terms of percentage changes, we can write this
?%w + ?%L = ?%TLI. This equation says that the growth rate
of the real wage plus the growth rate of the labor force equals
growth rate of total labor income. We know that the labor
grows at rate n, and from part (c) we know that total labor
grows at rate n + g. We therefore conclude that the real wage
at rate g.