In: Finance
How to calculate PMT
PMT Function loan payment
PMT (rate ,nper,pv,[fv],[type]
PMT calculation
loan amount $85000
interest rate 4.50%
periods (term in months) 60
cpmponding periods per year 12
monthly payment $93.22
The function is a financial function that returns the periodic payment for a loan. You can use the PMT function to figure out payments for a loan, given the loan amount, number of periods, and interest rate.
Get the periodic payment for a loan
Return value
loan payment as a number
=PMT (rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type])
Usagse note
The PMT function can be used to figure out the future payments for a loan, assuming constant payments and a constant interest rate. For example, if you are borrowing $10,000 on a 24 month loan with an annual interest rate of 8 percent, PMT can tell you what your monthly payments be and how much principal and interest you are paying each month.