
In: Chemistry

Which of the following redox reactions do you expect to occur spontaneously in the reverse direction?...

Which of the following redox reactions do you expect to occur spontaneously in the reverse direction? pick all that apply





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Which of the following redox reactions do you expect to occur spontaneously in the forward direction?...
Which of the following redox reactions do you expect to occur spontaneously in the forward direction? Check all that apply. Al(s)+3Ag+(aq)→Al3+(aq)+3Ag(s) Cd2+(aq)+Co(s)→Co2+(aq)+Cd(s) Ni(s)+Pb2+(aq)→Ni2+(aq)+Pb(s) Pb(s)+Mn2+(aq)→Pb2+(aq)+Mn(s)
Which of these redox reactions do you expect to occur spontaneously in the forward direction Standard...
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