In: Accounting
Research on the Walt Disney 2018 Annual Report/10K report. Discuss the history, main lines of business, financil performance and overview and ratios (rev. growth, profit margins, current ratios), controls, risks and ethics issues. Is the report useful to large companies and administrators and or investors?
I'm not sure where to begin here? I will be writing a two page paper on this and there are no examples. I cannot find the Walt Disney 2018 Annual Report as well? I may be not searching appropriately...
Here is the 10K report for Walt Disney
Follow these directives for your paper :-
1. DISCUSSION ON HISTORY OF THE COMPANY - Use small documentaries on Walt Disney from youtube or wikipedia as your reference material. Keep it short. Discuss:-
a. How did he aspire to become an entreprenuer, what were his inspirations and initial troubles faced by him.
b. Initial capital invested by him in the formation of the company, value of such sum in today's day (HINT: use inflation rates or index rates for your calculation).
c. Initial business lines in which Walt disney ventured and HOW and WHEN did the current operating business lines add to this. (HINT: In HOW, explain the technological advancements and changing trends of consumer demand due to which business lines were added or changed)
2. MAIN LINES OF BUSINESS - Refer 10K Report, Part I, Item 1, along with the line of business, use SEGMENT RESULTS to further amplify the sources of revenue.
3. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - Show various ratios (Income ratios, turnover ratios, capital ratios, gearing ratios) to show the performance and try plotting these in graphs to show comparison between different years and comment on the trend. Try to explain the trend using global and industry specific conditions, for this show correlation with globl trends and trends of other competitors like netflix, hulu or amazon prime.
4.FOR CONTROL, RISKS and ETHICAL ISSUES :- Refer Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting on Page No. 60 and for risks refer Part 1, Item 1A