In: Nursing
what is shared savings program under the Affordable Care Act
shared saving program under Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act granted the centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services the authority to establish Medicare Shared
savings program Accountable Care organizations.
The Medicare Shared Savings Program (shared saving program)is
committedto achieving better health for individuals,better
population health,andlowering growth in expenditures.
When doctors and other health care providers can work together to
coordinate patient care,patients receive higher qulity care and
lower costs.
*Requirements to become ACO under the Medicare shaed Savings
To be eligible to participate in MSSP(Medicare Shared Savings
Program),the ACO must meet certain requirements;
Havea formal legal structure to receive and distribute shared
Have sufficient number ofprimary care professionals for the number
of assigned beneficiaries(5,000 at a minimum),
Agree to participate in the program for not less than 3
Have sufficient information regarding participating ACO health care
professionals to support HHS in quality reporting,beneficiary
assignment,and determination of shared savings program.
Have leadership and management structure that includes clinical and
administrative systems,
Have defined processes to promote evidence-based medicine,report
the necessary data to evaluate cost/quality measures,and coordinate
Demonstrate patient centered criteria.