
In: Computer Science

You are required to solve the problem on Terrain Navigatio. Terrain navigation is a key component...

You are required to solve the problem on Terrain Navigatio.

Terrain navigation is a key component in the design of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Vehichles such as a robot or a car, can travel on land; and vehiches such as a drone or a plane can fly above the land. A UAV system contains an on board computer that has stored the terrain information for the area in which it is to be operated, Because it knows where it is at all times (often using a global positioning system (GPS) receiver), the vehicle can then select the best path to get to a designed spot. If the destination changes, the vehicle can refer to its internal maps and recompute the new path. The computer software that guides these vechicles must be tested over a variety of land formations and topologies. Elevvation information for large grids of land is available in computer databases. One way of measuring the "difficulty" of a lanad grid with respect to terrain navigation is to determine the number of peaks in the grid, where a peak is a point that has lower elevations all around it. For this problem, we want to determine whether the value in grid position [m] [n] is peak. Assume that the values in the four positions shown are adjacent to grid position [m] [n]:

grid [m-1] [n]
grid [m][n-1] grid [m][n]    grid [m][n+1]
grid [m+1] [n]

Write a program that reads elevation data from a data file named grid1. txt. (this file you have to create and name it as grid 1.txt.) data as shown below which represent elevation for a grid that has 6 points along the side and seven points along the top ( the peaks have been highlighted and underlined):

5039 5127 5238 5259 5248 5310 5299

5150 5392 5410 5401 5352 5820 5321

5290   5560    5490 5421 5530 5831    5210

5110 5429 5430 5411 5459 5630 5319

4920 5129 4921   5821 4722 4921 5129

5023 5129 4822 4872 4794 4862 4245

Then prints the number of peaks and their locations. Assume that the first line of the data file contains the number of rows and the number of columns for the grid of information. These values are then followed by the elevation values, in row order. The maximum size of the grid is 25 rows by 25 columns.


  1. Define and print the number of peaks and their locations in an elevation grid.
  2. input is a file containing the elevation data and the output is a listing of the location of the peaks.
  3. to specify the location of the peaks, you need to assign an addressing scheme to the data because you are going to implement this solution in c. Therefore, choose its 2D array subscripting notation.
  4. assume the top left corner is position [0][0], the row numbers increase by 1 as move down the page and the column numbers increase by 1 as move to the right.
  5. These peaks then occur at position[2][1], [2][5], and [4][3].
  6. To determine the peaks, compare a potential peak with its four neighbouring points.
  7. if all four neighboring points are less that the potential peak, then the potential peak is a real peak.
  8. the points on the edges of the array or grid cannot be potential peaks because do not have elevation information on all four sides of the points.

please help to answer all

need type answer in c language


Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 25 // define maximum size of array (rows and columns)

int main()
  int grid[SIZE][SIZE]; // create an array of size SIZE*SIZE
  int rows, cols, i, j;
  int peaks = 0; // initialize number of peaks to 0

  // open the file in read mode
  FILE *fp = fopen("grid1.txt", "r"); // provide full path to file

  // file open failed, display error message
  if (fp == NULL)
    printf("Unable to open file: grid1.txt. Exiting program....");
    // read the number of rows and columns from file
    fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &rows, &cols);

    // loop to read the elevation data from file to array
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < cols; j++)
        fscanf(fp, "%d", &grid[i][j]);

    // close the file

    // loop to determine the number of peaks in the grid
    for (i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++)
      for (j = 1; j < cols - 1; j++)
        // (i,j)th data is greater than data at indices (i-1,j), (i+1,j), (i,j-1) and (i,j+1) then increment peaks by 1
        if ((grid[i][j] > grid[i - 1][j]) && (grid[i][j] > grid[i + 1][j]) && (grid[i][j] > grid[i][j - 1]) && (grid[i][j] > grid[i][j + 1]))

    // display the number of peaks

    printf("Total number of peaks: %d", peaks);
    printf("\nCurrent positions of the peaks: ");
    // loop to display the positions of the peaks
    for (i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++)
      for (j = 1; j < cols - 1; j++)
        if ((grid[i][j] > grid[i - 1][j]) && (grid[i][j] > grid[i + 1][j]) && (grid[i][j] > grid[i][j - 1]) && (grid[i][j] > grid[i][j + 1]))
          printf("\n[%d][%d]", i, j);


//end of program



6 7
5039 5127 5238 5259 5248 5310 5299
5150 5392 5410 5401 5352 5820 5321
5290 5560 5490 5421 5530 5831 5210
5110 5429 5430 5411 5459 5630 5319
4920 5129 4921 5821 4722 4921 5129
5023 5129 4822 4872 4794 4862 4245

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