In: Finance
Real Estate Appraisal
Reproduction cost
Is the cost associated with the construction of a substitute of like utility |
Is the cost to construct an exact duplicate of the subject improvements |
Is always the same as replacement cost |
Can only be estimated by a contractor or an architect |
1 points
Direct costs are
Expenditures for items that are necessary but not usually included in the construction contract |
Expenditures for the labor and material used in the construction of the improvements |
An incentive that is market derived and provides compensation for the developer |
The costs associated with fees and interest |
1 points
Physical deterioration refers to
Losses in value from wear and tear |
Losses in value from all causes |
Losses in value from changes in market tastes |
Losses in value from proximity to an adverse condition in the neighborhood |
1 points
If a property has diminished valued because of factors outside the property, the loss is classified as:
Functional obsolescence |
External obsolescence |
Physical obsolescence |
Physical depreciation |
Q.13 Answer
Reproduction cost is the cost to construct an exact duplicate of the subject improvements.
Reason :- Replacement cost is the cost to construct exact duplicate at today's cost.If the substitute is constructed or built it is considered as replacement cost and is different from replacement cost.
Q 14 Answer
Direct cost are Expenditure for the labour and materials used in the construction of improvement.
Reason: Direct cost are the cost which can be directly attributable to the improvement.
Q. 15 Answer
Physical detoriation refers to losses in the value from wear and tear.
Reason : It refers to the loss in the efficiency of the assets as it ages.
Q. 16 Answer
If a property has diminished valued because of factors outside the property the loss is classified as External obsolescence.
Reason :- External obsolescence refers to the loss in the utility or value of property due to factors outside the company property.