
In: Statistics and Probability

Store Location Purchasing Dept. Cost Merchandise Purchased No. of Purchase Orders Number of Suppliers Sheridan $575,000...

Store Location Purchasing Dept. Cost Merchandise Purchased No. of Purchase Orders Number of Suppliers
Sheridan $575,000 $47,239,000 1708 61
Denver 1,226,000 102,364,000 2519 95
Salt Lake City 1,710,000 100,162,000 2506 139
Kansas City 881,000 95,760,000 1719 91
Omaha 1,544,000 51,466,000 2883 155
Milwaukee 794,000 50,631,000 647 75
Minnealops 1,341,000 84,753,000 2978 103
Phoenix 794,000 103,464,000 3761 117
Las Vegas 2,216,000 96,162,000 2584 73
Albaqurque 2,030,000 62,364 5497 176
Tucson 1,338,000 65,635,000 4347 130
Houston 856,000 88,524,000 2878 62
Oklahoma 1,122,000 72,645,000 819 129
Tulsa 863,000 61,638,000 1247 145
Dallas 1,085,000 105,666,000 2162 141
San Antonio 952,000 59,437,000 2822 105
Austin 1,134,000 38,542,000 5115 51
El paso 1,042,000 33,020,000 382 131
Nashville 1,634,000 36,322,000 5293 172
Memphis 699,000 34,121,000 967 34
Indianapolis 875,000 31,920,000 2425 48

Regression Analysis to Understand Cost Drivers in a Purchasing Department – Business Case

Each year Joe reviews the financial information for all the CWWR stores. This past year was a relatively good year; company profits were up despite the huge July Fourth fire in Las Vegas, Nevada, that shut down the store for four months and required replacements of all inventory. Joe did notice however that purchasing department costs varied considerably between stores. The minimum was $575, 000 and the maximum was $2.2 Billion. This was perplexing, and he thought this be an area where efficiencies could be achieved. Currently each store has its own purchasing department with full autonomy. In the western wear industry, regional customers have regional tastes and desires. Local purchasing agents are thought to be best able to understand the desires of local customers and to those needs.

              On his management team, Joe has a managerial cost specialist with skills in data analytics. Together they discussed the purchase department cost problem and identified three potential cost drivers: merchandise purchased, number of purchase orders, and number of suppliers. To verify these ideas, Joe contracted purchasing managers from three different stores who agreed that these were potentially good cost drivers and they no others were readily apparent. The managerial cost specialist gathered the data for four variables from last year’s financial information and reported in Table 1. The data was also entered into an Excel spreadsheet (See appendix) By the team’s administrative assistant.

1. Prepare a statistical analysis of the costs provided.

Plot the purchase department cost vs each cost driver (Graph per page)

Analyze the data for the potential problems, correct data problems if necessary and report any changes made.

Use the regression analysis to develop cost model for all potential cost drivers.

Identify the best model and explain why.

Explain what the model means from an economic perspective.

2. Use the model to make two recommendation to the CWWR management team for improving the efficiency of the purchasing operations

Be specific with the details of the recommendations

Estimate the cost saving from the implementation of your recommendations.

Consider the secondary implications, quantitative and/or qualitative.

Indicate how these changes (recommendations) should be implemented.


1. What cost drivers are useful for predicting the purchasing departments costs? What is the recommended model? What does it mean? How can this model be used to reduce costs?

2. Does CWWR use a centralized or decentralized purchasing system? Why would the company use this strategy? Under what circumstances would a decentralized strategy be more valuable?

3. You developed recommendations, which are essentially are changes to human behavior. Is change in an organization easy? How can human behaviors be changed in a management setting?


Expert Solution

X Variable= Independent Variable
Y Variable=Dependent variable
X -Variables Y -Variable
Merchandise Purchased Number of Purchase orders Number of suppliers Purchasing Department Cost
$47,239,000 1708 51 $575,000
$102,364,000 2519 85 $1,226,000
$100,162,000 2506 139 $1,710,000
$95,760,000 1719 91 $881,000
$51,466,000 2883 156 $1,544,000
$50,631,000 647 75 $794,000
$84,753,000 2978 103 $1,341,000
$103,464,000 3761 117 $794,000
$96,162,000 2584 73 $2,216,000
$62,364,000 5497 176 $2,030,000
$65,635,000 4347 130 $1,338,000
$88,524,000 2878 62 $856,000
$72,645,000 619 129 $1,122,000
$61,638,000 1247 145 $863,000
$105,666,000 2162 141 $1,085,000
$59,437,000 2822 105 $952,000
$38,542,000 5115 51 $1,134,000
$33,020,000 382 131 $1,042,000
$36,322,000 5293 172 $1,634,000
$34,121,000 967 34 $699,000
$31,920,000 2425 48 $875,000
Merchandise Purchsed Vs Purchase Department Cost
Merchandise purchased arranged in ascending order
Mercahndise Purchased Purchase Dept Cost
$31,920,000 $875,000
$33,020,000 $1,042,000
$34,121,000 $699,000
$36,322,000 $1,634,000
$38,542,000 $1,134,000
$47,239,000 $575,000
$50,631,000 $794,000
$51,466,000 $1,544,000
$59,437,000 $952,000
$61,638,000 $863,000
$62,364,000 $2,030,000
$65,635,000 $1,338,000
$72,645,000 $1,122,000
$84,753,000 $1,341,000
$88,524,000 $856,000
$95,760,000 $881,000
$96,162,000 $2,216,000
$100,162,000 $1,710,000
$102,364,000 $1,226,000
$103,464,000 $794,000
$105,666,000 $1,085,000
Number of purchase orders Vs Purchase Department Cost
Number of purchased orders arranged in ascending order
Number of Purchase orders Purchase Dept Cost
382 $1,042,000
619 $1,122,000
647 $794,000
967 $699,000
1247 $863,000
1708 $575,000
1719 $881,000
2162 $1,085,000
2425 $875,000
2506 $1,710,000
2519 $1,226,000
2584 $2,216,000
2822 $952,000
2878 $856,000
2883 $1,544,000
2978 $1,341,000
3761 $794,000
4347 $1,338,000
5115 $1,134,000
5293 $1,634,000
5497 $2,030,000
Number of Suppliers Vs Purchase Department Cost
Number of Suppliers arranged in ascending order
Number of suppliers Purchase Dept Cost
34 $699,000
48 $875,000
51 $575,000
51 $1,134,000
62 $856,000
73 $2,216,000
75 $794,000
85 $1,226,000
91 $881,000
103 $1,341,000
105 $952,000
117 $794,000
129 $1,122,000
130 $1,338,000
131 $1,042,000
139 $1,710,000
141 $1,085,000
145 $863,000
156 $1,544,000
172 $1,634,000
176 $2,030,000
From The graph,it is clear that there is no correlation between Mechandise Purchased and PurchaseDepartment Cost
For Number of Purchase orders VsPurchase Department Cost:
The data of 2584 /$2216000 appears to be incorrect

We remove this date and remainining data is written below

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