●The manifestation which can be seen in patients with ARDS
- Respiratory:Tachypnea, laboured breath, cough which is dry
,dyspnea, cyanosis
- CVS:hypotension ,faster pulse
- CNS:Headache ,elevated body temperature,confusion
- Musculoskeletal: weakness
●The complication which can be developed due to mechanical
ventilation are
- Injury
- Ventilator associated pneumonia
- Pneumothorax
- Bacterial nosocomial sepsis
- Barotrauma
- Pulmonary embolism
●The priority nursing intervention are
- Propped up position of bed with 30 ° head elevation
- Regular oral care
- Follow asepsis in all procedure
- Hand hygiene to ore ent cross infection
- Providing good nutrition
- Frequent suctioning to clear secretions
- Monitoring vital signs
- Administer antibiotics as per order
- Chest physiotherapy to loosen secretion
●The intervention which has to be specifically done to prevent
VAP are
- The exposure to ventilator has to be reduced position the
patient head at 30 to 45°
- Meticulous oral hygiene
- Suctioning
●In these case
- Assess the knowledge level of the nurse ,if unaware of the
intervention protocol teach the nurse .So that it can be
- If the nurse knews the intervention and does not implement,
inform the nurse to implement it for patient safety
- If the nurse ignores or neglects to follow ,report to the
concerned supervisor, so that the nurse can be sent to training