
In: Statistics and Probability

View as TextDownload / 3 1 Math 200 Assignment 1 Name:___________________________ 1. A researcher is interested...

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Math 200

Assignment 1



A researcher is interested in finding the mean and median length of all walleye in a lake. A Sample of 300

walleye was caught and their lengths were recorded. The sample mean and median lengths were found to be

28 inches and 33 inches.


What is the experimental unit in this experiment?


What is the population in this experiment?


What are the parameters considered in this experiment?


What are the statistics in this experiment?


A pollster is interested in the proportion of Minnesota residents who favor a tax increase for people earning

more than 250,000 a year. In a random sample of 200 Minnesota residents 128 favor the tax increase.


What is the individual unit in this experiment?


What is the population in this experiment?


What is a parameters considered in this experiment?


What is a statistics in this experiment?


What variables should pollster collect in this experiment?

Data in the assignment

is hypothetical and should not be used as facts.


Math 200

Assignment 1



A sociologist is interested in the opinion of Minnesota teachers on the recent labor union law passed by

Wisconsin lawmakers.


What is the experimental unit?


What is the population?


What are the variables relevant to this study? Classify them as continuous, discrete, nominal, or



Explain how you would select a sample for this study. Explain pros and cons of your method.


Which sampling technique you would use for each of the following experiments. Explain your reasoning.


A scientist is interested in the amount of lead in drinking water of a small town.


A botanist is interested in the height of pine trees in a large forest.


A sociologist wants to estimate the number of people in Minnesota without health insurance.


A student wants to estimate the speed of vehicles passing by a mile post in a rural road for an

assignment due next day.


A teacher is interested in NWEA math scores of Grade 10 students in Minnesota\

Data in the assignment

is hypothetical and should not be used as facts.


Math 200

Assignment 1



In each of the following, identify the variables are categorical nominal, or categorical ordinal, or numerical

discrete or numerical continuous.


Political affiliation of a voter


Crime rate in a city.


Number of vehicles parked illegally.


Time zone of a person’s hometown.


Height of a pine tree.


Speed of a vehicle passing through a traffic light.


Pant size of a randomly selected male as S, M, L, XL, XXL.


Apartment number of a resident living in a large apartment complex.


A researcher wants to study the health of deer population in a forest. Give two categorical variables, a

numerical discrete variable, and a numerical continuous variable that should be measured.


The number of activities can be performed by group of kindergartners as follows:












Draw a dot plot.

Data in the assignment

is hypothetical and should not be used as facts.


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