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Assignment #3 – Geometry Calculator Assignment Objectives Task #1 void Methods 1. Name the program file...

Assignment #3 – Geometry Calculator Assignment Objectives

Task #1 void Methods 1. Name the program file This program will compile, but, when you run it, it doesn’t appear to do anything except wait. That is because it is waiting for user input, but the user doesn’t have the menu to choose from yet. We will need to create it.

2. Below the main method, but in the Geometry class,create a static method called printMenu that has no parameter list and does not return a value. It will simply print out instructions for the user with a menu of options for the user to choose from. The menu should appear to the user as: This is a geometry calculator Choose what you would like to calculate

1. Find the area of a circle

2. Find the area of a rectangle

3. Find the area of a triangle

4. Find the circumference of a circle

5. Find the perimeter of a rectangle

6. Find the perimeter of a triangle Enter the number of your choice:

3. Add a line in the main method that calls the printMenu method as indicated by the comments.

4. Compile, debug, and run. You should be able to choose any option, but you will always get 0 for the answer. We will fix this in the next task any times as needed without rewriting the code each time.

Task #2 Value-Returning Methods

1. Write a static method called circleArea that takes in the radius of the circle and returns the area using the formula A = π r power 2.

2. Write a static method called rectangleArea that takes in the length and width of the rectangle and returns the area using the formula A = lw.

3. Write a static method called triangleArea that takes in the base and height of the triangle and returns the area using the formula A = ½bh.

4. Write a static method called circleCircumference that takes in the radius of the circle and returns the circumference using the formula C = 2πr.

5. Write a static method called rectanglePerimeter that takes in the length and the width of the rectangle and returns the perimeter of the rectangle using the formula P = 2l +2w.

6. Write a static method called trianglePerimeter that takes in the lengths of the three sides of the triangle and returns the perimeter of the triangle which is calculated by adding up the three sides.

Task #3 Calling Methods

1. Add lines in the main method in the GeometryDemo class which will call these methods.

2. Write some sample data and hand calculated results for you to test all 6 menu items.

3. Compile, debug, and run. Test out the program using your sample data.


Expert Solution


package assignment;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Geometry
   static GeometryDemo g=new GeometryDemo();  
   public static void printMenu()
       System.out.println("************This is a geometry calculator Choose what you would like to calculate*********");
       System.out.println("1. Find the area of a circle");
       System.out.println("2. Find the area of a rectangle");
       System.out.println("3. Find the area of triangle");
       System.out.println("4. Find the circumfance of a circle");
       System.out.println("5. Find the perimeter of a rectangle");
       System.out.println("6. Find the perimeter of a triangle");
       System.out.println("Enter the number of your choise");
       Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
       int c=sc.nextInt();
       switch(c) {
       case 1:
           System.out.println("Find the area of a circle");
       case 2:
           System.out.println("Find the area of a rectangle");
   case 3:
       System.out.println("Find the area of triangle");
   case 4:
           System.out.println("Find the circumfance of a circle");
   case 5:
           System.out.println("Find the perimeter of a rectangle");
   case 6:
           System.out.println("Find the perimeter of a triangle");
   public static void main(String[] args) {  

package assignment;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GeometryDemo {
   static Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
   public static void circleArea()
       int r;
       double A;
       System.out.println("Enter the radius of the circle");
       r =sc.nextInt();
       System.out.println("Area of circle is: "+A);
   public static void rectangleArea() {
       int l,w,A;
       System.out.println("Enter the length of the rectangle");
       System.out.println("Enter the breadth of the rectangle");
       System.out.println("Area of the rectangle is: "+A);
   public static void triangleArea() {
       int h,b,A;
       System.out.println("Enter the height of the triangle");
       System.out.println("Enter the base of the triangle");
       System.out.println("Area of the triangle is"+A);
   public static void circleCircumfernce() {
       int r;
       System.out.println("Enter the radius of the circle");
       double C=(Math.PI*2*r);
       System.out.println("Circumference of the circle is: "+C);
   public static void rectanglePerimeter() {
       double P,l,w;
       System.out.println("Enter the length of the Rectangle");
       System.out.println("Enter the width of the Rectangle");
       System.out.println("perimeter of Rectangle is: "+P);
   public static void trianglePerimeter() {
       float a,b,c,total;
       System.out.println("Enter the a length");
       System.out.println("Enter the b length");
       System.out.println("Enter the c length");
       System.out.println("perimeter of triangle is: "+total);

Note:***I hope you happy with my answer***If you have any doubts please comment me*****Thank you......

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