In: Economics
Ans: The Aggregate Demand curve represents the total quantity of all goods and services demanded by the economy at different price levels. The Aggregate Demand Curve is downward sloping because of the following reasons:
Money Market is the interaction between the institutions and parties through which money is supplied to firms, individuals etc who are the demanders of money. Money Market Equilibrium occurs where the deamnd for money is equal to the supply of money. The Demand for money is downward sloping curve which shows the quantity of money demanded as function of interest rate all other things held constant. Money demand curve is downward sloping.
Money supply curve is assumed to the vertical assuming that the money supply does not depend on the interest rate. Thus the equlibriumin the money market occurs where downward sloping money demandcurve and vertical real money supply curve intersects.
Thus in the 1st part of graph below the money market equilibrium is shown as the intersection of downward sloping money demandcurve and vertical real money supply curve. As the P rises the Real money supply declines and the curve shifts leftwards which causesthe interest rate to rise from i to i1 and thus beacuse Investment is negatively related to interest rate investment declines and so does the aggregate spending level declines; thus there is negative relationship between AD and P because due to increase in P; AD has reduced