please type your response
answer question # 1
1. 1. Summarize the facts of the case.
2. 2. Describe the strategy (ies) of the company, and how they
affected its culture.
3. 3. What audit risks were indicated as described in the
case? i.e., what red flags are described that might affect your
assessment of risk? Provide potential audit responses for each,
using the fraud triangle where appropriate.
4. 4. Whom do you “blame” for the situation? Support your
answer with specifics from the case.
5. 5. Did the audit partner act appropriately once the
questionable journal entries were discovered? Under auditing
standards, what is the responsibility of the auditor when a
potential fraud is discovered (cite the literature – AICPA and
6. 6. Suppose the audit partner met with the CFO and just
accepted his responses. What ethical issues might be raised (based
on what we covered this semester)? (cite the literature – AICPA and
7. 7. Did the board and CEO act appropriately once the
questionable journal entries were discovered and discussed with the
partner? What is your opinion on the board – its composition and
expertise? Did you note any governance issues?
About this case study:
This case study was developed as a joint effort by the Center
for Audit Quality, Financial Executives International, The
Institute of Internal Auditors, and the National Association of
Corporate Directors. These four organizations have formed the
Anti-Fraud Collaboration to actively engage in efforts to mitigate
the risks of financial reporting fraud. The Collaboration’s goal is
to promote the deterrence and detection of financial reporting
fraud through the development of education, programs, tools and
other related resources.
For more information about the Anti-Fraud Collaboration and
its resources please visit
Jack Brennahan had his dream job. He had always wanted to head
a manufacturing company and five years earlier he received that
opportunity at Hollate when he was promoted from the CFO position.
He enjoyed the work, the exciting environment he had helped create,
and the people around him. As CEO, however, Brennahan understood
that the buck stopped with him. He took his responsibilities
seriously both in running a successful business and ensuring that
the business met all regulatory requirements and ethical
expectations of being a good corporate citizen. He never wanted to
be ashamed of anything he read in the newspaper about Hollate.
Brennahan, however, had just received a call from Cara Porcini,
Hollate’s external auditor, followed immediately by a call from
Mike Soltany, Hollate’s audit committee chair. They had news that
stopped him cold.
Hollate began manufacturing products for the home construction
industry in the 1950s. For most of its history it comprised one
division that made windows and doors for the Southeastern region of
the United States. These products were sold under several
privatelabel and store brand names. Seven years earlier, two years
before Brennahan became CEO, Hollate acquired a Midwestern door and
window manufacturer that also had a division that made roofing
products. The acquisition enabled Hollate to gain access to new
geographic and product markets, and also gain economies of scale in
management and in raw material purchasing. Following this
acquisition, Hollate held an initial public offering (IPO) and
became a public company. Hollate used proceeds from the IPO to
acquire a manufacturer of home siding products, a manufacturer of
prefabricated sheds and garages, and two other smaller home
construction product businesses.
In recent years a downturn in the housing sector impacted the
entire home construction industry, including the manufactured
products segment. Hollate had taken a hit in both its revenue
growth and profit margins, but overall it had fared better than its
peers. In hindsight, Hollate might have overpaid for that first
acquisition which had occurred before the downturn. Its subsequent
acquisitions, however, were made on favorable terms as they came
after the early days of the downturn had driven down the valuations
of many manufacturers.
Hollate now had 14 divisions throughout the U.S. and Canada.
It had 2,100 employees, sales of $1 billion, profit margins in line
with historical industry norms, and a market capitalization of
approximately $1.5 billion. With one or two exceptions, each
division was profitable and was maintaining market share.
CEO Jack Brennahan and the Management team
Brennahan had joined Hollate ten years earlier as CFO after
working his way through several management positions and promotions
at two other firms. While his background was in finance and
accounting, he always considered himself a general manager. As CFO,
Brennahan had played a leading role in integrating Hollate’s first
acquisition and making it a success both operationally and
financially. He also played a leading role in taking Hollate public
and identifying its other acquisitions. When the previous CEO
retired, Erik Hanloon, Hollate’s Board Chairman, saw Brennahan as
the ideal candidate to lead Hollate’s continued growth. As CEO,
Brennahan, with Hanloon’s support, spearheaded Hollate’s last four
Shortly after becoming CEO, Brennahan conducted a search for a
CFO using a respected recruiting firm. Because Brennahan planned to
continue to grow the company, he wanted a top-notch CFO with skills
beyond what Hollate might need at present. In particular, he wanted
someone with significant public company experience, something the
other members of the top team lacked. Brennahan reflected that if
he was applying for the CFO position today, he might not make the
cut. In the end, Brennahan hired William Blackburt.
Before coming to Hollate, Blackburt had served as CFO of a
manufacturer that had grown through acquisitions, but had reached
the limits of its growth some years earlier. Because of this, he
was looking for a new opportunity. Overall, Blackburt had 25 years
of experience after earning his MBA and he was also a CPA. A former
colleague called him extremely intelligent and hardworking—someone
who was the first to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at
the end of the day. The colleague also noted that Blackburt had
“nerves of steel” and kept his cool under the most pressure-filled
Blackburt believed that Hollate would not find many candidates
with his level of experience directly aligned with the company’s
needs. When he was offered the job, he negotiated hard for a
compensation package that included significant bonus opportunities.
In particular, his bonus levels were tiered so that higher awards
kicked in when Hollate reached higher revenue growth levels. Under
the most favorable scenarios, Blackburt’s bonus could be as high as
his base salary—literally doubling his cash pay. He received no
bonus at all if the company failed to meet its lowest tier targets.
His pay package also included longterm incentives in the form of
restricted stock. Blackburt’s contract, which he had negotiated
prior to the start of the economic downturn, was closely linked to
Hollate’s acquisition strategy. Because home construction was
historically not a high-growth industry, it would be unlikely for
Blackburt to earn even the lowest tier bonus— and essentially
impossible for him to earn a higher-tier bonus—if Hollate did not
make any acquisitions.
In watching these negotiations, Brennahan liked Blackburt’s
aggressive nature and can-do attitude and felt that Blackburt would
be a big help to him in growing the business into a leading
national competitor. After finalizing Blackburt’s employment
contract, the board’s compensation committee restructured
Brennahan’s contract to reflect similar targets.
In addition to Blackburt, Brennahan had three others on his
top team: chief operating officer Robert Sojohn, marketing and
sales vice president Stan Rellon, and general counsel Margaret
Mallie. Sojohn had joined Hollate to work in the company’s original
manufacturing plant right after earning an undergraduate degree in
engineering. In the 18 years since, he had held a variety of
engineering and operational positions before being promoted to the
COO position just prior to the first acquisition. Sojohn had the
longest tenure at Hollate but was the youngest member of the top
management team and the only one not put in his position by
Rellon joined Hollate nine years earlier in the marketing
department. He had previous experience in marketing and sales and
had done well at Hollate. Rellon’s predecessor left the company
after being passed over for the CEO position. Brennahan promoted
Rellon rather than conduct an external search. Mallie had been with
Hollate for three years and was the company’s first general
counsel. At Hollate, she spent much of her time on contracts and
legal matters relating to customers, but she also worked closely
with the outside firm that Hollate relied on to handle acquisitions
and other legal work.
Company Strategy
Under Brennahan’s leadership, Hollate was pursuing a
growth-through-acquisition strategy. The industry was undergoing
significant consolidation and Hollate was well positioned to take
advantage of this trend as an acquirer. Although he viewed the
industry downturn as a setback that made financing new acquisitions
more difficult, and he acknowledged the need to focus on efficient
operations, Brennahan remained committed to growth through
acquisitions. In this regard, Brennahan considered himself eager,
but cautious. He did not want to get Hollate into any deals it
could not handle or afford.
Brennahan planned to jumpstart Hollate’s growth as market
conditions improved by making additional acquisitions with an eye
towards filling in gaps in its product lines and geographic
coverage. For example, Hollate was a leading supplier of doors and
windows in the Southeast and Midwest, but was only a modest player
in the Northwest. Yet it was a leading supplier of prefabricated
sheds in the Northwest and Midwest, but had no shed operations in
the Southeast. To fund its acquisitions strategy, Hollate
maintained a $150 million line of credit. Its agreement with the
bank included several stringent covenants, including EBITDA
(earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization)
The top team spoke regularly about the growth strategy and
while they all supported it, they each had a somewhat different
perspective. Brennahan was looking to find “good fits” that
improved Hollate’s market position. Sojohn enjoyed figuring out how
to most efficiently organize all the different manufacturing plants
and when he thought about acquisitions he looked at them as
opportunities to improve how things worked. Rellon believed that a
larger operation would improve Hollate’s negotiating position with
the large, national retailers. Blackburt seemed most excited by
finding and negotiating the next deal. Overall, Blackburt was the
most aggressive supporter of making acquisitions and overcoming
whatever obstacles hindered progress and he spoke often about his
belief that Hollate could become one of the largest home products
manufacturers in North America. Sojohn and Rellon were excited
about the growth plan, but looked to the CEO and CFO to take the
lead. Somewhat behind the scenes, Chairman Hanloon agreed with
Brennahan’s plans and was a supporting voice for him on the
Board Of Directors
Erik Hanloon had been a member of Hollate’s board for 12 years
and its chair for six. When he first joined the board, Hollate was
a steady performer. He sometimes thought that “boring” might be an
apt description for Hollate at that time and there were certainly
no grand plans for acquisitions or public offerings in that era.
Hanloon felt that the whole atmosphere at Hollate changed with the
arrival of Brennahan and he came to believe that Brennahan was just
what the company needed. After the success of the first acquisition
and subsequent IPO, Hanloon played a leading role in promoting
Brennahan to the CEO position. His positive impression of Brennahan
was apparent to the other directors on the board and they respected
his views. Hanloon had more executive experience than any other
director, and the second longest tenure on the board.
In total, the board had eight directors including the CEO. One
director was a descendant of the company founder and a large
Hollate shareholder, but had no managerial experience. Two
directors had significant management experience. Brennahan had
worked with these two directors earlier in his career and had
recruited them to join Hollate’s board shortly after he was named
CEO. Two other directors had joined the board as part of two of
Hollate’s acquisitions and had been chief executives at those
companies. These two were also large shareholders. The remaining
director, Mike Soltany, served as audit committee chair. Soltany
had been identified by an outside recruiter and he had no previous
relationship with Hollate.
Board Committees
At the time of its IPO, Hollate reorganized its board to
include the three standard board committees: audit, compensation,
and nominating and governance, all required under the listing
requirements of the company’s stock exchange. Audit Committee Chair
Mike Soltany joined the board two years earlier as a member of the
audit committee and he had served as that committee’s chair for the
past year. Soltany had served on the audit committee of another
public company board, but this was his first stint as audit
committee chair. While he was not a CPA, Soltany had a background
in finance and was the designated financial expert on the audit
committee. The two other members of the audit committee were the
acquaintances Brennahan had recruited to the board. They were
financially literate (could read and understand financial
statements) but not particularly well-versed in accounting rules,
even the most basic ones governing matters such as recognition of
revenues and expenses.
One of the first steps Soltany took when he became chair of
the audit committee was to select a new external auditor. While he
had no cause to doubt the previous auditors, a smaller regional
firm that had served Hollate well for ten years, he reasoned that
because Hollate had grown significantly, and planned to continue to
grow, a larger national accounting firm would bring new
capabilities, experience, and geographic reach. Other than one
comment by CFO Blackburt, who insisted that the previous firm was a
good fit for Hollate, no one objected to the change. Soltany also
believed that the board, and the audit committee in particular,
needed some instruction in basic accounting matters. He brought
this up to Brennahan, who was receptive to the idea. In the press
of other concerns, however, this director education never took
Internal audit Function
The internal audit function at Hollate had not grown as fast
as the company itself and currently had four people. Jonas Durand,
chief audit executive (CAE), had been with Hollate for 15 years.
Early in his career, Durand had worked for five years as an
accountant for another manufacturing company and also for a retail
company in junior level positions. He joined Hollate’s internal
audit function under an experienced CAE and quickly learned the
ropes of internal audit and Hollate’s business. One year after
Hollate made its first acquisition, Durand’s predecessor moved out
of state and left the company. Durand took over the position.
While Durand did not have a CPA or experience in internal
auditing beyond Hollate, he had a deep understanding of the
business and had taken a variety of professional development
courses since becoming an internal auditor. The lead engagement
partner of the previous external auditing firm once commented that
what Durand lacked in professional certifications he made up for in
his tenacity and his mindset for the auditing role: he liked to ask
questions and test assumptions, he kept work relationships on a
professional level, and above all, he was not easily
The internal audit function periodically evaluated internal
controls for each division and selected sites for testing on a
rotating basis. Durand’s understanding of internal controls was
based on standards put forward by the leading professional
standards group, and included a broad understanding of material
financial risk, including the risk of financial statement fraud.
Internal audit mainly tested internal controls from an operational
perspective, rather than testing financial reporting. Durand
reasoned that the CFO, audit committee, and outside auditor could
play the primary watchdog role there.
Historically, the internal audit function reported directly to
the CFO. When the company went public, it also received a dotted
line reporting relationship to the board’s audit committee. With
the exception of the work related to special requests from the CFO,
internal audit sent its written reports to both the CFO and the
audit committee chair. Durand and Blackburt had talked about one
day having internal audit report directly to the audit committee,
but making that change did not appear to be an immediate priority
for Blackburt. In practice, Durand regularly met with Blackburt and
rarely with the audit committee. The dotted line reporting to the
audit committee meant little more than sending reports. When Durand
had a question about something he did not understand he went to
Blackburt. When the audit committee asked to speak to the internal
auditor, Blackburt assured the directors that he was in frequent
communication with Durand and could convey Durand’s findings
directly to the committee on Durand’s behalf.
As Hollate had grown, Durand enjoyed digging into the new
businesses. His main hurdle, however, was the small size of the
internal audit function, which limited how much it could do and
frequently left it behind on its divisional reviews. When he first
became the CAE he hired a junior level auditor who had several
years of auditing experience at a public company. That person had
further developed his skills under Durand and after six years the
two worked well together. Durand had received verbal assurances
from CFO Blackburt that he could hire another accountant with
internal audit experience when business growth resumed or before
the company made any new acquisitions. For the time being, however,
Durand found it difficult even to do his normal internal audit
work. Blackburt had him doing several acquisition related projects
that made it difficult for him to execute his audit plan.
External auditor
LPS LLC (LPS) was an established national public accounting
firm with a good reputation in the marketplace and was fully
capable of auditing an issuer with multiple divisions and
locations. It did not have a significant presence outside of the
U.S., but could call on resources of non-affiliated audit firms
that had non-U.S. operations. Much like Hollate, most of LPS’s
foreign work was in Canada and that part of its audit business was
Before LPS agreed to take on Hollate as a client, Cara
Porcini, LPS’s lead engagement partner for the Hollate audit, had
contacted Hollate’s previous external auditor. She found the
previous auditor had no significant concerns regarding the
integrity of Hollate’s management and had had no significant
disagreements with management over accounting principles or audit
procedures. Furthermore, the previous auditor said it was not aware
of any fraud or illegal acts, and that all of Hollate’s financial
statements had been filed on time with the SEC.
Brennahan had influenced the culture at Hollate in a way that
matched his personality: hardworking, but friendly and social. And
while competence and results mattered most to him, what also made
the job satisfying for Brennahan was the work environment that had
developed. In particular, he, his CFO Blackburt, COO Sojohn, and
Rellon, the VP of marketing and sales, had developed positive
professional and personal relationships. Everyone seemed to enjoy
coming to work and joining the occasional friendly poker games and
fishing trips on the weekends, which sometimes included managers
beyond the top team. Various “fishing stories” were well known at
the company offices.
At headquarters, there were few relational formalities.
Everyone treated each other as equals, called each other by first
names, and office doors were generally kept open. Managers took
advantage of the open-door environment and frequently dropped by
the offices of their colleagues to bounce ideas or seek help. This
included Brennahan, who liked collaborating but did not
micromanage; he tended to let his managers run their own
The environment led to a sense of trust among most top
managers at Hollate headquarters and a belief that they were all
part of a team and working together for the same goals. Brennahan,
who spent most of his time looking for potential acquisitions, and
dealing with customers and investor relations issues, frequently
used the word “trust” in meetings and speeches and he often told
his managers he had confidence in them to do the right thing and
what was best for Hollate. Formal accounting and control procedures
were in place, but exceptions could be made for the good of the
company. For example, if a $25,000 invoice needed to be paid
quickly to ensure that a vendor shipped parts that would keep one
of Hollate’s manufacturing plants running, senior managers thought
little of overriding normal procedures—perhaps bypassing a step in
the payment review process—to get the invoice paid on time.
The presidents and CEOs that had run the businesses that
Hollate acquired had largely left the company. The managers who
remained in the divisions tended to have strong operational or
sales backgrounds. While they knew their businesses well, they
still looked to headquarters for the nuances of public company
reporting requirements. Headquarters tried to be welcoming when
managers visited from the field. These visiting managers, however,
came from different environments—generally nose to the grindstone
working—and many did not quite know what to make of headquarters or
its culture. When at headquarters, they tended to keep their visits
short and focused on what they needed to get done.
The most significant cultural contrast was between management
and the board of directors. Brennahan had occasionally invited
different board members to attend a fishing trip, but none of them
had taken him up on the offer. After a while, he mostly stopped
trying, assuming that the directors wanted to maintain
professional-only relationships. Directors were seldom seen at
headquarters for anything other than formal meetings. Audit
Committee Chair Soltany had received a few invitations and had
politely turned them down. He was impressed by the track record of
Brennahan and his team, but he noted to himself that he had never
been a part of, or even seen, a management team as close
professionally and personally as the one at Hollate. He had the
impression that they were all friends and it would be difficult to
be a part of that as a director. He wondered how he would approach
a senior manager if he wanted to speak confidentially about a
sensitive matter involving a colleague.
The board and management, despite their different styles, set
a unified, if low key, tone for ethics. When Hollate went public,
it introduced a compliance program and code of conduct aimed at
making clear the ethical expectations for employees. The first
drafts of these documents were written by an outside consulting
firm. Brennahan did not have much experience with such programs and
so he made few changes to what the consultant proposed.
He had initially planned to make these programs very visible,
but the excitement of the public offering, the acquisitions, and
managing the downturn put them on the back burner. In the end, each
employee received a written copy of the code of conduct and it was
posted on the company website. Individual managers were supposed to
discuss it with each employee as part of their annual performance
reviews, but despite good intentions this did not always happen.
Overall the program received little attention. For example, Hollate
had a whistleblower hotline system managed by an outside
organization that sent reports to both the board’s audit committee
chair and to the general counsel. General Counsel Mallie indicated
she would seriously investigate any hotline tips, but since its
introduction, the hotline had received very few calls and none of
major importance.
Navigating the Downturn
The home construction industry had been in decline for several
years: builders were constructing fewer homes, many homeowners had
delayed or scaled back remodeling plans, and home sales, a frequent
driver of remodeling, were below historical norms. While some
industry watchers felt that the worst of the decline might be over,
there were few signs of a return to previous sales levels.
When the downturn became evident, Hollate had responded by
reducing costs, laying off some workers, and slowing production at
its manufacturing plants. Brennahan, however, was more optimistic
than most regarding the future of the industry. He believed that a
turnaround would happen soon and he wanted to be well prepared for
when that happened. This led him to make as few cuts as possible
and instead look for efficiency gains. He encouraged his managers
to look for ways to reduce spending that would not preclude a quick
return to full capacity production.
To maintain revenues, Brennahan pressed his division heads to
get out and close sales. He reminded them that Hollate had a great
reputation as a supplier of quality products and that when
retailers cut back, they could be convinced to cut back on
suppliers other than Hollate. Blackburt backed this approach. When
Blackburt spoke with divisional financial staff, he reminded them
of Brennahan’s expectations and reiterated the need for them to
reach their performance targets. Rellon pressed his divisional
sales teams reminding them that the company’s larger size since its
acquisitions should provide them with increased leverage when
negotiating with its leading customers. Some division heads,
however, felt that the talk coming out of headquarters left the
impression that the company’s senior executives were so focused on
obtaining results that they were ignoring the tough competitive
climate in the field where people were worried about losing their
During the previous two years, raw material prices had
increased sharply, but the decline in demand for housing products
limited Hollate’s ability to pass along higher costs to customers.
Because of Hollate’s strong position in its markets, it managed to
grow its sales slightly despite the downturn, but due to rising
costs it endured a steady decline in gross margins and overall
financial performance. While Hollate was still outperforming its
peers, its peers were performing poorly.
By the 4th quarter, the company was barely meeting the
covenants related to the $150 million in debt financing it had
secured the previous year to fund acquisitions. Blackburt became
increasingly focused on the debt covenants. Under the debt
agreement, Hollate had to meet certain quarter-toquarter
requirements for EBITDA. If performance slipped further, and
Hollate violated the covenants, the company would be forced to
restructure its debt and put off any new acquisitions for the
foreseeable future.
Stopped Cold
When Brennahan took the call from Porcini during the year-end
audit and one week before the 4th quarter earnings were to be
announced, he didn’t know what to expect. He quickly learned that
the call was about some unexplained accounting transactions in the
Storm Windows division. It seems that the external auditors from
LPS had found some journal entries that they did not understand,
yet when they took their questions to the Storm Windows controller,
the controller was reluctant to answer. Further inquiries by the
external auditors revealed a series of unsupported journal entries
from Storm Windows. The entries appeared to increase inventory and
reduce costs of goods sold during the 4th quarter.
This led Cara Porcini, LPS’s lead engagement partner, to
contact CFO Blackburt. For the short time she had known Blackburt,
she found him extremely competent and helpful. Porcini was
surprised therefore when Blackburt’s explanation did not
sufficiently clarify her questions about the entries. She thought
about his response and felt that she must be missing something, so
she went to meet with him a second time. This discussion was no
better than the first. Blackburt explained that the accounting
matters behind the entries were complicated, but he assured her
there was nothing to worry about. Porcini did worry and she
contacted Brennahan and Soltany.
After hanging up the phone, Brennahan was initially unsure
what to think, but the more he reflected the more concerned he
became. In his years at Hollate, he had never heard of a controller
not cooperating with an external audit—such cooperation was
expected. Even more perplexing was the lead auditor’s inability to
get an answer from Blackburt. Blackburt was very experienced, knew
Hollate’s financials better than anyone, and, Brennahan felt, was
adept at making complex issues clear. If Blackburt could not
explain something to Porcini, an experienced auditor and CPA,
something was wrong. Brennahan’s next step was to speak with
Blackburt himself. Brennahan found the situation puzzling and
somewhat troubling, but he was confident that Blackburt would
clarify matters.
Brennahan’s conversation with Blackburt did not go well. At
first Blackburt gave a vague explanation of the entries, but then
quickly expressed frustration and anger that he was being
repeatedly questioned on the matter even though the books had
always been clean and there were more pressing issues the company
should be worried about. After finishing with Blackburt, Brennahan
looked at the entries himself and could not make sense of them
though he could tell that the amounts involved were significant,
and he reported his impression to Soltany when he called him back
about the matter.