
In: Statistics and Probability

Tmt Price ($) Height (in) Treatment Total Stem Caliper (in) Field KFC PiP Field 106 104...

Tmt Price ($) Height (in) Treatment Total Stem Caliper (in) Field KFC PiP
Field 106 104 1 6.3 1 0 0
Field 106 100 1 6.7 1 0 0
Field 106 113 1 4.95 1 0 0
Field 106 104 1 4.6 1 0 0
Field 132 129 1 8.4 1 0 0
Field 132 136 1 9 1 0 0
Field 170 154 1 6.6 1 0 0
Field 132 124 1 7.8 1 0 0
Field 106 115 1 6.5 1 0 0
Field 132 130 1 7.8 1 0 0
Field 132 140 1 8.85 1 0 0
Field 132 133 1 5.95 1 0 0
Field 106 109 1 3 1 0 0
Field 106 109 1 7.55 1 0 0
Field 89 101 1 5.35 1 0 0
Field 132 128 1 7.05 1 0 0
Field 106 115 1 5.55 1 0 0
Field 106 116 1 6.9 1 0 0
Field 132 128 1 8.35 1 0 0
Field 132 123 1 9.05 1 0 0
Field 106 116 1 6.3 1 0 0
Field 132 130 1 6.75 1 0 0
Field 132 130 1 5.4 1 0 0
Field 132 132 1 4.8 1 0 0
Field 106 101 1 6.45 1 0 0
KFC 96 116 2 7.3 0 1 0
KFC 119 129 2 4.15 0 1 0
KFC 119 131 2 5.95 0 1 0
KFC 96 100 2 4.7 0 1 0
KFC 96 105 2 5.3 0 1 0
KFC 76 80 2 4.4 0 1 0
KFC 96 108 2 7.25 0 1 0
KFC 76 92 2 6.7 0 1 0
KFC 96 113 2 6.9 0 1 0
KFC 96 101 2 5.15 0 1 0
KFC 96 105 2 4.75 0 1 0
KFC 96 108 2 4.6 0 1 0
KFC 96 101 2 3.3 0 1 0
KFC 76 91 2 5.2 0 1 0
KFC 96 99 2 6.55 0 1 0
KFC 96 110 2 5.65 0 1 0
KFC 119 132 2 8.45 0 1 0
KFC 96 102 2 6.7 0 1 0
KFC 119 129 2 8.75 0 1 0
KFC 119 135 2 8.15 0 1 0
KFC 119 134 2 7.15 0 1 0
KFC 119 131 2 9.35 0 1 0
KFC 119 124 2 7.7 0 1 0
KFC 119 126 2 6.8 0 1 0
KFC 119 131 2 7.35 0 1 0
Pip 69 95 3 5.35 0 0 1
Pip 69 107 3 6.55 0 0 1
Pip 69 97 3 5.55 0 0 1
Pip 69 112 3 7.25 0 0 1
Pip 69 104 3 5.5 0 0 1
Pip 79 114 3 6.45 0 0 1
Pip 69 88 3 3.85 0 0 1
Pip 69 97 3 6.95 0 0 1
Pip 79 115 3 6.6 0 0 1
Pip 99 133 3 5.6 0 0 1
Pip 79 112 3 4.8 0 0 1
Pip 69 87 3 5.65 0 0 1
Pip 79 102 3 6.05 0 0 1
Pip 69 91 3 5.65 0 0 1
Pip 69 90 3 6.25 0 0 1
Pip 69 94 3 5.35 0 0 1
Pip 79 98 3 6.45 0 0 1
Pip 79 100 3 6.2 0 0 1
Pip 69 88 3 5 0 0 1
Pip 79 112 3 5.95 0 0 1
Pip 99 121 3 5.2 0 0 1
Pip 69 92 3 4.8 0 0 1
Pip 69 95 3 6.5 0 0 1
Pip 69 93 3 5.85 0 0 1
Pip 79 118 3 4.7 0 0 1

Research was conducted on different production methods for landscape trees.

Traditionally, trees were planted in the field and then harvested with a large root ball wrapped in

burlap (the Field treatment). This method can remove more than 200 pounds of top soil per tree

from the field. Soil saving methods of production include knit fabric containers (KFC) and pot-inpot

(PiP) treatments. Use the Excel data set, “Tree data.xlsx” to complete the following analyses.

1. Assume that tree price depends on the height. If this is true, then a comparison of means could

be affected by the different tree heights – the results could be biased. Estimate the following

simple regression model (use the third worksheet, Q3 & Q4 – Prices for Regression):

i 0 1 i i Price     Height  

(6) a. Use Excel’s Data Analysis to estimate the model (or Minitab if you have it). Provide a copy

of the regression results.

(4) b. How well does the model explain tree prices? Write a sentence explaining the appropriate

interpretation of the statistic that indicates how well the regression model fits the data.

(4) c. Interpret of the estimate of the population parameter 1  . (What does your estimate tell you

about the relationship between tree height and price?)


d. Is the estimated effect of tree height on price statistically significant at the 5% level of

significance? Complete the test, specifically:

(4) i. What is the hypothesis you will test?

(4) ii. What is the critical value for this test?

(4) iii. What is the calculated test statistic?

(4) iv. What is your conclusion? Explain what the test tells you.


Expert Solution

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.855458
R Square 0.731808
Adjusted R Square 0.728134
Standard Error 12.29374
Observations 75
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 30105.25 30105.25 199.1929 1.49E-22
Residual 73 11032.94 151.1361
Total 74 41138.19
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept -43.4288 10.20875 -4.25408 6.14E-05 -63.7748 -23.0828
Height (in) 1.272735 0.090178 14.11357 1.49E-22 1.093011 1.45246

From regression output:


(4) b. How well does the model explain tree prices? Write a sentence explaining the appropriate

interpretation of the statistic that indicates how well the regression model fits the data.

H0:modei is significant,model fits the data

H1:model is not signifcant

From Anova table




Model is significant.Model fits the data.

(4) c. Interpret of the estimate of the population parameter 1

standard error of estimate =12.29374

(What does your estimate tell you

about the relationship between tree height and price?)

R sq=0.731808


=73.18% variation in price is epxlained by height

explained variance by model=73.18%

unexplained variance=100-73.18=26.82%

Is the estimated effect of tree height on price statistically significant at the 5% level of

significance? Complete the test, specifically:

(4) i. What is the hypothesis you will test?

Hypothesis test on slope of regression line

If there is a significant linear relationship between the independent variable ,height and the dependent variable price, the slope will not equal zero.

Ho: = 0

Ha: ≠ 0

The null hypothesis states that the slope is equal to zero, and the alternative hypothesis states that the slope is not equal to zero.

(4) iii. What is the calculated test statistic?

t=coefficient/std error=1.272735/0.090178=14.1157

(4) iv. What is your conclusion? Explain what the test tells you.



Reject null hypothesis.
Accept alternative Hypothesis.

At 5% level of significance ,there is a significant linear relationship between the independent variable ,height and the dependent variable price

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