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Program in Python Problem Statement Write a program with the following functions:  wordCount. This function...

Program in Python

Problem Statement
Write a program with the following functions:
 wordCount. This function should accept a string as a parameter and return the
number of words contained in the string.
 mostFrequentWord. This function accepts a string as a parameter and returns the
word that occurs the most frequently in the string.
 replaceWord. This function accepts three strings as parameters, let’s call them
string1, string2, and string3. It searches string1 for all occurrences of string2. When it finds an occurrence of string2, it replaces it with string3.
For example, suppose the three parameters have the following values:
string1: string2: string3:
“the cat jumped up to reach the ball” “the”
With these three, the function would return a string with the value “that cat jumped up to reach that ball”
In the main function, ask the user to enter a sentence, and demonstrate each of the above functions.

Sample Output
Enter a sentence: the cat jumped up to reach the ball There are 8 words in the sentence
The most frequent word in the sentence is: the
Enter oldString, then newString you want to replace, separate them with a space: the that The new sentence after replacement is: that cat jumped up to reach that ball


Expert Solution

Python code:

def wordCount(string):
li = string.split(" ")
return len(li)
def mostFrequentWord(string):
li = string.split(" ")
s = list(set(li))
frequency = li.count(s[0])
ind = 0
for i in range(1,len(s)):
if li.count(s[i]) > frequency:
frequency = li.count(s[i])
ind = i
return s[ind]
def replaceWord(string1,string2,string3):
li = string1.split(" ")
s1 = " "
for i in range(len(li)):
li[i] = string3
return s1.join(li)
def main():
string = input("Enter a sentence :")
cwords = wordCount(string)
print("There are "+str(cwords)+" words in the sentence")
print("The most frequent word in the sentence is : "+mostFrequentWord(string))
print("Enter old string,then new string you want to replace,seperate them with a space :")
temp = input().split(" ")
string2 = temp[0]
string3 = temp[1]
print("The new sentence after replacement is :"+replaceWord(string,string2,string3))
if __name__ =="__main__":
Execution screenshots:

Note:please like the answer.Thank you.Have a nice day.

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