
In: Statistics and Probability

For each of the following two-samples t-tests (problems 1-6): (a) Determine if a F test for...

For each of the following two-samples t-tests (problems 1-6): (a) Determine if a F test for the ratio of two variances is appropriate to calculate for the context. If it is appropriate, conduct the analysis and report the result. Include what statistical conclusion you should draw from the analysis (i.e., whether you should conduct a pooled-variance t-test or an unequal-variances t-test). (b) Identify the most appropriate t-test to conduct for the situation/data given. Don’t forget to consider if the context requires one/two-tail tests. (c) Provide a statistical and practical interpretation of your findings.

5. An important feature of digital cameras is battery life—the number of shots that can be taken before the battery needs to be recharged. The file Cameras contains the battery life information of 11 subcompact cameras and 7 compact cameras (Data extracted from “Cameras,” Consumer Reports, July 2012, pp. 42-44). Is there evidence of subcompact cameras have better battery life than compact cameras? (Use a 0.05 level of significance)

Subcompact Compact
140 230
200 220
190 160
240 240
160 200
240 300
190 120


Expert Solution

For Subcompact :

∑x = 2170

∑x² = 436900

n1 = 11

Mean , x̅1 = Ʃx/n = 2170/11 = 197.2727

Standard deviation, s2 = √[(Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n)/(n-1)] = √[(436900-(2170)²/11)/(11-1)] = 29.6954

For Compact :

∑x = 1470

∑x² = 328900

n2 = 7

Mean , x̅2 = Ʃx/n = 1470/7 = 210.0000

Standard deviation, s2 = √[(Ʃx² - (Ʃx)²/n)/(n-1)] = √[(328900-(1470)²/7)/(7-1)] = 58.0230



Null and alternative hypothesis:

Hₒ : σ₁ = σ₂ ; H₁ : σ₁ ≠ σ₂

Test statistic:

F = s₂² / s₁² = 58.023² / 29.6954² = 3.8179

Degree of freedom:

df₁ = n₂-1 = 6

df₂ = n₁-1 = 10

P-value = 2*F.DIST.RT(3.8179, 6, 10) = 0.0609


As p-value > α, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

We should conduct a pooled-variance t-test.



Null and Alternative hypothesis:

Ho : µ1 ≤ µ2

H1 : µ1 > µ2

Pooled variance :

S²p = ((n1-1)*s1² + (n2-1)*s2² )/(n1+n2-2) = ((11-1)*29.6954² + (7-1)*58.023²) / (11+7-2) = 1813.6364

Test statistic:

t = (x̅1 - x̅2) / √(s²p(1/n1 + 1/n2 ) = (197.2727 - 210) / √(1813.6364*(1/11 + 1/7)) = -0.6181

df = n1+n2-2 = 16

p-value = T.DIST.RT(-0.6181, 16) = 0.7274


p-value > α, Do not reject the null hypothesis


There is not enough evidence to conclude that subcompact cameras have better battery life than compact cameras.

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