
In: Computer Science

How can I create a hexadecimal number in c code from a specific array. For example...

How can I create a hexadecimal number in c code from a specific array. For example I have a[4]={2,5,7,4}; and I want to create this number : 0x004725 by adding 1 number at a time using << operation. Thank you!


Expert Solution

yur quetion is vague as per my understanding i am giving you various cases in my answer hopin that one of these will meet ur requirement

case 1:

converting a decimal to hexadecimal c code

int main() {
   long int decimalNumber,remainder,quotient;
   int i=1,j,temp;
   char hexadecimalNumber[100];
   printf("Enter any decimal number: ");
   quotient = decimalNumber;
   while(quotient!=0) {
       temp = quotient % 16;
       //To convert integer into character
       if( temp < 10)
       temp =temp + 48; else
       temp = temp + 55;
       hexadecimalNumber[i++]= temp;
       quotient = quotient / 16;
   printf("Equivalent hexadecimal value of decimal number %d: ",decimalNumber);
   for (j = i -1 ;j> 0;j--)
   return 0;

case 2: << is left shift operator we cannot add numbers with that instead it operates on the binary values of given number

example to explain <<


int main()
int a = 60;

printf("\nNumber is Shifted By 1 Bit : %d",a << 1);
printf("\nNumber is Shifted By 2 Bits : %d",a << 2);
printf("\nNumber is Shifted By 3 Bits : %d",a << 3);


output is

Number is Shifted By 1 Bit : 120
Number is Shifted By 2 Bits : 240
Number is Shifted By 3 Bits : 480

case 3:

if you want to form a hexadecimal from the numbers in array as given then simple output formaing is sufficient

char arr[10]







arr[j]=(char)a[i%4]; #random value from array



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