
In: Biology

Dr. Mauro Dipasquale is a physician and a competitive powerlifter. He created the Anabolic diet which...

Dr. Mauro Dipasquale is a physician and a competitive powerlifter. He created the Anabolic diet which targeted fitness enthusiasts who seek to gain maximum muscle mass while restricting body fat to a bare minimum. Dr. Mauro outlined a series of formulas that could be produced to maximize anabolic effects, minimize catabolism, and give the final piece in the puzzle in transforming training, lifestyle, diet, and supplements to maximum muscle growth. Summarize the formulas of various nutritional supplements for use with the Anabolic Diet.   [35 marks]


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The formulas of various nutritional supplements for use with the anabolic diet is Drugs are drugs. They're not good or bad. It all depends on how they're used. They can be used in a safe effective manner or they can be abused and result in serious side effects.

  • Anabolic steroids, testosterone, growth hormone, IGF-I, insulin, thyroid, cortisol blocking agents, narcotics, amphetamines, and even marijuana and cocaine are used clinically by physicians to deal with various diseases and deficiency states.

    On the other hand many of these compounds are used by bodybuilders and other athletes in ways that may compromise their immediate and long-term health. I don't support drug abuse but I do support the proper use of drugs. If our moral views were to change and society and therefore the medical establishment supported the use of these drugs to enhance athletic performance or for cosmetic reasons, then these drugs could be used safely and effectively for these purposes. As it stands there are not only moral but serious legal ramifications to the use of many of these drugs.

    As if all this weren't enough to dissuade bodybuilders from using drugs, there are also the problems associated with the source of most of these drugs. It's not like bodybuilders get these drugs from the usual pharmaceutical distribution system. They buy them from the Black Market and they take their chances. They may or may not get what they paid for and the products may be tainted.

    With all these problems an aspiring bodybuilder who is tempted to start using drugs should step back at look at the situation more realistically. I'm not saying this because I'm puritanical or to be self serving. I've paid my dues and been through the competitive mill. And I've seen the results of rampant drug abuse both during their use and especially after. I've seen the yo-yo syndrome where a bodybuilder's weight will vary by 40 pounds depending on whether he's on or off the juice.

    All in all it makes sense to maximize your body's potential by using cutting edge training methods, diets and nutritional supplements. In the long run you'll be better off and have a healthier, stronger and more massive body than if you juiced it for several years and then stopped.

    We have the knowledge and technology today to make natural bodybuilding a viable alternative to the use of drugs. Manipulating the anabolic and the catabolic hormones and growth factors with diet and nutritional supplements has become a reality. By taking advantage of what we know about nutrition and nutritional supplements, you can now maximize your lean body mass and strength and minimize your body fat to give you that hard muscular look that at one time was only available with drug use.

    In several of my articles, including ones to come, I have and will outline the best supplements to use and how to stack them for maximum effects.

    What do I use? I use the supplements I formulated and recommend their use to any serious athlete, especially those who want to maximize muscle mass and strength.

    My MD+ line are sophisticated and meant to not only take the guesswork out of taking supplements, but also to provide the most effective supplements on the market today. I recommend and personally use complex formulations of supplements because, like most of us, I don't have the time to mix and match.

    Besides if the formulations are already commercially available, why bother to compound them yourself? In the near future I'll outline some supplement regimens for reaching specific goals, using my MD+ line as obvious examples

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