
In: Computer Science

In C++, 
 Define a structure Triangle that contains three Point members. Write a function that computes...

In C++, 
 Define a structure Triangle that contains three Point members. Write a function that computes the perimeter() of a Triangle. Write a program that reads the coordinates of the points, calls your function, and displays the result.



Expert Solution

using namespace std;
struct Point
   int x,y;
struct Triangle
   Point p1,p2,p3;//3 point members   

double perimeter(Triangle t)
   double side1 = sqrt(pow(t.p2.x-t.p1.x,2)+pow(t.p2.y-t.p1.y,2));
   double side2 = sqrt(pow(t.p3.x-t.p2.x,2)+pow(t.p3.y-t.p2.y,2));
   double side3 = sqrt(pow(t.p1.x-t.p3.x,2)+pow(t.p1.y-t.p3.y,2));
   //now returning perimeter
   return side1+side2+side3;
int main()
   Triangle t;
   //reading 3 points
   cout<<"Enter point1 x:";
   cout<<"Enter point1 y:";
   cout<<"Enter point2 x:";
   cout<<"Enter point2 y:";

   cout<<"Enter point3 x:";
   cout<<"Enter point3 y:";
   //calling method to find perimeter
   double p = perimeter(t);
   cout<<"Perimeter is: "<<p<<endl;
   return 0;

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