In: Computer Science
Write a program that implements a stack of integers, and exercises the stack based on commands read from cin. To do this, write a class called Stack with exactly the following members:
class Stack { public: bool isEmpty(); // returns true if stack has no elements stored int top(); // returns element from top of the stack // throws runtime_error("stack is empty") int pop(); // returns element from top of the stack and removes it // throws runtime_error("stack is empty") void push(int); // puts a new element on top of the stack private: vector<int> elements; };
The program should read commands from cin until either end-of-file is reached or the command end is entered. (You can manually test for end-of-file by entering CTRL-D.) Each time the program expects a new command it should first print a prompt: "stack> "
Your program should catch all errors that happen and continue execution until the end command or end-of-file.
In case the command push is read, the program should read an integer value from cin and push it onto the stack. In case top is read, the program should print the top integer of the stack to cout. In case pop is read, the program should print the top integer of the stack to cout, and remove it from the stack. In case the command list is read, the program should print all values currently on the stack, without modifying the stack. (Exact format see below.)
Your program should check whether a "number" to be pushed is actually a number. If not, print an error message (see below), and reset cin such that it will again accept commands. (See Section 7.6 of the zyBook.) Also, your program should ignore all characters behind a number to be pushed that are on the same input line (example see below).
An example of a correct execution of this program is shown below:
stack> push 5 stack> pop 5 stack> pop error: stack is empty stack> push 6 stack> push 4bb stack> push foo error: not a number stack> list [4,6] stack> list [4,6] stack> top 4 stack> hello error: invalid command stack> end
You may want to use the compare() function (Links to an external site.) on a string to check which command has been entered.
Use of arrays, a built-in stack class, or container classes from std:: other than vector, is not allowed.
Here is the completed code for this problem. Comments are included, go through it, learn how things work and let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. If you are satisfied with the solution, please rate the answer. Thanks
#include<limits> //for clearing input buffer on errors
using namespace std;
class Stack {
bool isEmpty();
// returns true if stack has no elements stored
int top();
// returns element from top of the stack
// throws runtime_error("stack is empty")
int pop();
// returns element from top of the stack and removes it
// throws runtime_error("stack is empty")
void push(int);
// puts a new element on top of the stack
vector<int> elements;
//implementation of all methods
bool Stack::isEmpty(){
//stack is empty if internal vector is empty
return elements.empty();
int Stack::top(){
//if empty, throwing exception
throw runtime_error("stack is empty");
//returning last element
return elements[elements.size()-1];
int Stack::pop(){
//if empty, throwing exception
throw runtime_error("stack is empty");
//getting last element
int i=elements[elements.size()-1];
//removing it
//returning it
return i;
void Stack::push(int element){
//simply adding to the end
//method to clear the input buffer upto the next newline character
void clear_input(){
//clearing buffer
//removing characters upto new line from stdin
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
//method to print a stack without modifying it
void print_stack(Stack s){
//creating a temporary stack
Stack temp;
//looping until s is empty
//removing top element, pushing to temp and displaying it
int i=s.pop();
//printing a comma if this is not last element
//now popping from temp and pushing to s, so that the original stack is left unchanged.
int main(){
//creating a stack
Stack stk;
string commmand;
int temp;
cout<<"stack> ";
//looping until eof is met or end is entered
//comparing input command to each valid commands
//reading input
//displaying error in case of error
cout<<"error: not a number"<<endl;
//pushing to stack
}else if("pop")==0){
//displaying error if stack is empty
cout<<"error: stack is empty"<<endl;
//removing and displaying top element
}else if("top")==0){
//displaying error if stack is empty
cout<<"error: stack is empty"<<endl;
//displaying top element
}else if("list")==0){
//printing stack
}else if("end")==0){
//exiting loop
//anything else is invalid
cout<<"error: invalid command"<<endl;
//clearing input upto newline to prevent multiple command entry at once and also to
//prevent the infinite loop caused by invalid input when the system is expecting
//numeric input
//displaying prompt for next command
cout<<"stack> ";
return 0;
stack> push 5
stack> pop
stack> pop
error: stack is empty
stack> push 6
stack> push 4jhjef
stack> push xhd
error: not a number
stack> list
stack> list
stack> top
stack> end