
In: Computer Science

For this portion of the lab, you will reuse the program you wrote before. That means...

For this portion of the lab, you will reuse the program you wrote before.

That means you will open the lab you wrote in the previous assignment and change it. You should NOT start from scratch. Also, all the requirements/prohibitions from the previous lab MUST also be included /omitted from this lab.

Redesign the solution in the following manner:
1. Create a menu and ask the user which of the following conversions they wish to perform:
a. Miles to kilometers

b. Gallons to liters

c. Pounds to kilograms

d. Inches to centimeters

e. Fahrenheit to Celsius

2. Your program must raise an exception if the user chooses any item not on the menu presented. Along with raising an exception, write the code to handle this exception.
3. Once the user has chosen a menu item the program should:

a. Ask the user for a value to convert. Refer to the input validations in Lab 4. Your program must raise and exception, and handle the exception, if an input errors occurs.

b. Perform the conversion and write the original value, the original unit, the converted value, and the converted unit to an output file named conversions.txt.

c. Repeat steps a and b 10 times (in a loop).

I have written this code before. I already have added step number 1: the menu. Please add in the code the other requirements: step 2, and step 3 a. b. and c. Thank you!

def MilesToKm(Miles):
Km = Miles * 1.6
print(f"Miles: {format(Miles,'.2f')}, kilometers: {format(Km,'.2f')}")
def FahToCel(Fahrenheit):
Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9
print(f"farehnheit: {format(Fahrenheit,'.2f')}, celsius: {format(Celsius,'.2f')}")
def GalToLit(Gallons):
Liters = Gallons * 3.9
print(f"gallons: {format(Gallons,'.2f')}, liters: {format(Liters,'.2f')}")
def PoundsToKg(Pounds):
Kg = Pounds * 3.45
print(f"pounds: {format(Pounds,'.2f')}, kilograms: {format(Kg,'.2f')}")
def InchesToCm(Inches):
Cm = Inches * 2.54
print(f"inches: {format(Inches,'.2f')}, centimeters: {format(Cm,'.2f')}")

#Import the package
from Conversions import *
#Create main function to give choice of conversion
def main():
#Intialize the string
string = '''
1: Convert miles to km
2: Convert fahrenheit to celsius
3: Convert gallons to liters
4: Convert pounds to kg
5: Convert inches to cm'''
#Initialize the tupels
metric_name = ('miles','fahrenheit','gallons','pounds','inches')
convert_name = ('km','celsius','liters','kg','cm')
#Print the string
#Get the input
choice = int(input('Which of the given conversions would you like to perform? Enter your choice from 1 to 5: '))
#Set count as "3"
count = 3
#Initialize the boolean variable
flag = True
#Execte the "while" loop
#Get the input
input_value = float(input("Enter how much {0} would you like to convert into {1}: "
.format(metric_name[choice-1] , convert_name[choice-1])))
#Check for the negative inputs
if input_value < 0:
#Decrement count by "1"
count -= 1
#Print the invalid message
print('Invalid input! You have',count,'chance(s) to enter a valid input')
#Check for the choice "1"
if choice == 1:
#Call the function
#Check for the choice "2"
if choice ==2:
#Check whether the input is greater than or equal to "1000"
if input_value >= 1000:
#Decrment the count "1"
count -= 1
#Print the message
print('Invalid input! You have',
count,'chance(s) to enter a valid input')
#Call the function
#Check for the choice "3"
if choice == 3:
#Call the function
#Check for the choice "4"
if choice == 4:
#Call the function
#Check for the choice "5"
if choice == 5:
#Call the function
#Checck whether the count is "0"
if count == 0:
#Set boolean value as "False"
flag = False
#Call the function


Expert Solution

The code has been modified to meet all the requirements.

#The Code is written in Allman Style Please REMOVE brackets before running CODE. Thumbs up if the code helps

def milestokm(miles):
km = miles * 1.6
print(f"Miles: {format(miles,'.2f')}, kilometers: {format(km,'.2f')}")
return km
def fahtocel(fahrenheit):
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9
print(f"fahrenheit: {format(fahrenheit,'.2f')}, celsius: {format(celsius,'.2f')}")
return celsius
def galtolit(gallons):
liters = gallons * 3.9
print(f"gallons: {format(gallons,'.2f')}, liters: {format(liters,'.2f')}")
return litres
def poundstokg(pounds):
kg = pounds * 3.45
print(f"pounds: {format(pounds,'.2f')}, kilograms: {format(kg,'.2f')}")
return kg
def inchestocm(inches):
cm = inches * 2.54
print(f"inches: {format(inches,'.2f')}, centimeters: {format(cm,'.2f')}")
return cm

from conversion import *
#Import the package
class NotAValidOptionError(Exception):
#Create main function to give choice of conversion
def main():
#Intialize the string
string = '''
1: Convert miles to km
2: Convert fahrenheit to celsius
3: Convert gallons to liters
4: Convert pounds to kg
5: Convert inches to cm'''
#Initialize the tupels
metric_name = ('miles','fahrenheit','gallons','pounds','inches')
convert_name = ('km','celsius','liters','kg','cm')
count = 3
flag = True
file1 = open("myfile.txt","a+")
#to run it 10 times
count = 10
choice = int(input('Which of the given conversions would you like to perform? Enter your choice from 1 to 5: '))
if choice > 5 or choice < 1:
raise NotAValidOptionError
input_value = float(input("Enter how much {0} would you like to convert into {1}: ".format(metric_name[choice-1] , convert_name[choice-1])))
if choice == 1:
result = milestokm(input_value)
file1.write("Miles : " + str(input_value) + " km "+ str(result) + "\n")
elif choice ==2:
result = fahtocel(input_value)
file1.write("Fahrenheit : " + str(input_value) + " Celcius "+ str(result) + "\n")
elif choice == 3:
result = galtolit(input_value)
file1.write("Gallons : " + str(input_value) + " Litres "+ str(result) + "\n")
elif choice == 4:
result = poundstokg(input_value)
file1.write("Pounds : " + str(input_value) + " kg "+ str(result) + "\n")
elif choice == 5:
result = inchestocm(input_value)
file1.write("Inches : " + str(input_value) + " cm "+ str(result) + "\n")
#user defined exception
except NotAValidOptionError:
print("ERROR : Not a Valid Option. TRY AGAIN")
file1.write("ERROR : Not a Valid Option. TRY AGAIN \n)")
except ValueError:

#writing to file

#run function


The OUTPUT OF myfile.txt

Screenshots Of the Code (For Reference of indentation)

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