In: Computer Science
in Python,
Define the class called Line which represents a line with equation ?=??+? with input slope ? and intercept ? to initialize the instances. It should include:
attributes named ? and ? to represent slope and intercept.
method named intersect to return the list, containing coordinates
of the intersection point of two lines.
support for + operator to compute the addition of two equations.
The sum of two Line objects ?=?1?+?1 and ?=?2?+?2 is defined as the
line ?=(?1+?2)?+?1+?2 .
printable representation for the equation of line, which we have
already defined in __repr__ speical method below.
class Line:
# initializing constructor with slope and y-intercept
def __init__(self, k, b):
self.k = k
self.b = b
# return intersection point of two lines
def intersect(self, line):
# formula of point of intersection (x,y)
x_ = (line.b - self.b)/(self.k - line.k)
y_ = self.k * x_ + self.b
# returns intersection point
return [x_, y_]
# adds two lines and returns the new line
def __add__(self, line):
k_ = self.k + line.k
b_ = self.b + line.b
return Line(k_, b_)
# prints the line
def __repr__(self):
return "y = {}x + {}".format(self.k, self.b)
line1 = Line(2,3)
line2 = Line(3,4)
# prints the intersection of two lines
# adds two lines
print(line1 + line2)