
In: Computer Science

2.2.1 cLL The class is described according to the simple UML diagram below: 2cLL<T> -head:item<T> *...

The class is described according to the simple UML diagram below:
-head:item<T> *
+push(newItem: item<T>*):void
+removeAt(x:T):item<T> *
The class variables are as follows:
• head: The head pointer for the linked list.
• size: The current size of the circular linked list. It starts at 0 and grows as the list
The class methods are as follows:
• cLL: The constructor. It will set the size to 0 and initialise head as null.
• ∼cLL: The class destructor. It will iterate through the circular linked list and
deallocate all of the memory assigned for the items.
• isEmpty: This function returns a bool. If the circular linked list is empty, then it
will return true. Otherwise, if it has items then it will return false.
• getSize: This returns the current size of the circular linked list. If the list is empty
the size should be 0.
• push: This receives a new item and adds it to the circular linked list. It is added to
the front of the list. The front in this case refers to the head.
• pop: This receives, and returns, the first element in the list. The first element is
removed from the list in the process. If the list is empty, return null. The first
element referring to the head pointer in this case.
• removeAt: This will remove an item from the linked list based on its value. If
the value is not found, nothing should be removed. Also note that in the event of
multiple values being found, the first one in the list, from head, should be removed.
Note that nothing is deleted. Instead the node must be removed through relinking
and then returned.
• printList: This will print out the entire list from head onwards. The output consists
of a single comma delimited line, with a newline at the end. For example:
The class is described according to the simple UML diagram below:
item <T>
+next: item*
The class has the following variables:
• data: A template variable that stores some piece of information.
• next: A pointer of item type to the next item in the linked list.
The class has the following methods:
• item: This constructor receives an argument and instantiates the data variable with
• ∼item: This is the destructor for the item class. It prints out ”Item Deleted” with
no quotation marks and a new line at the end.
• getData: This returns the data element stored in the item.


Expert Solution

// C++ program to create a circular linked list
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// item class to represent a node in the dLL class
template <class T>
class item
   T data;
   item(T t);
   item<T> *next;
   T getData();

// constructor
template <class T>
item<T>::item(T t)
   data = t;
   next = NULL;

// destructor
template <class T>
   cout<<"Item Deleted"<<endl;

// return the data
template <class T>
T item<T>::getData()
   return data;

//end of item

template <class T>
class cLL
   item<T> *head;
   int size;

   bool isEmpty();
   void push(item<T>* newItem);
   item<T>* pop();
   item<T>* removeAt(T x);
   int getSize();
   void printList();

// default constructor
template <class T>
   head = NULL;
   size = 0;

// destructor
template <class T>
   if(head != NULL)
       item<T> *curr = head->next;
       // loop over the linked list
       while(curr != head)
           item<T> *temp = curr; // get the current head
           curr = curr->next; // set head to pointer next to head
           delete(temp); // delete the old head

       head = NULL;
       size = 0;

// function to return true if the list is empty else false
template <class T>
bool cLL<T>::isEmpty()
   return(head == NULL);

// function to insert the element as the first element of the list
template <class T>
void cLL<T>::push(item<T>* newItem)
   if(head == NULL) // empty list
       head = newItem;
       head->next = head;
       item<T> *curr = head->next;
       // loop to get the last element of the list
       while(curr->next != head)
           curr = curr->next;
       curr->next = newItem; // update the next pointer of the last node
       // insert the new node as the head node
       newItem->next = head;
       head = newItem;

   size++; // increment the size

// function to remove and return the first node of the list
template <class T>
item<T>* cLL<T>:: pop()
   // list is empty
       return NULL;

       item<T> *node = head;
       // if one element
       if(head->next == head)
           head = NULL;
           item<T> *curr = head->next;
           // loop to get the last element of the list
           while(curr->next != head)
               curr = curr->next;
           // update the next pointer of last node
           curr->next = head->next;
           // update the head
           head = head->next;


       size--; // decrement the size

       return node;

// function to remove the node with data x
template <class T>
item<T>* cLL<T>::removeAt(T x)
   if(isEmpty()) // empty list
       return NULL;
   }else if(head->getData() == x) // if x is present in head, call pop
       return pop();
       item<T> *curr = head->next;
       item<T> *prev = head;
       // loop to get the node with data x
       while(curr != head)
           // if curr's data is x
           if(curr->getData() == x)
               prev->next = curr->next; // update the enxt pointer of prev node
               size--; // decrement the size
               return curr; // return the curr node

           prev = curr; // set prev to curr
           curr = curr->next; // set curr to next of curr

       return NULL;

// function to return the size of the list
template <class T>
int cLL<T>::getSize()
   return size;

// function to print the list
template <class T>
void cLL<T>::printList()
   if(isEmpty()) // empty list
       cout<<"Empty list"<<endl;
   }else if(head->next == head) // single node list
       item<T> *curr = head;
       // loop to print the list
       while(curr->next != head)
           curr = curr->next;


//end of cLL

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