In: Chemistry
Consider the titration of 25.00 mL of 0.0750 M Sn2+ with 0.1000 M Fe3+ in 1 M HCl to give Fe2+ and Sn4+ , using a Pt electrode for the cathode and a Standard Hydrogen Electrode for the anode (connected to negative terminal of potentiometer).
e) Sketch the titration curve and indicate the equivalent pt, and the Etitr when ½ of the moles of analyte has been oxidized.
Let us consider the reaction involved in the redox titration,
The stoichometry of Fe(III):Sn(II)=2:1
The equivalence point E can be calculated as follows.
At equivalence point,
According to Nernst equation,
When half the moles of analyte has been oxidized, the E can be determined as follows.
The pH curve is as follows.