
In: Computer Science

Create a C++ program based on the following criteria: Define an integer for the user selection...

Create a C++ program based on the following criteria:

  • Define an integer for the user selection called selection
  • Define a double called ticketPrice that is initialized to 20
  • Create a numeric menu for ticket prices, thus:
    • Adult is 15-64 and is normal price (option 1)
    • Child is 0-14 and is half normal price (option 2)
    • Senior is 65+ and is 0.8x normal price (option 3)
    • Give an option to exit (option 4)
  • Based on their selection, output the price of their selected ticket


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

int selection;

double ticketPrice = 20;

cout<<"Menu for ticket prices:\n"<<endl;

cout<<"Enter 1 for Adult(15-64) \nEnter 2 forChild(0-14)\nEnter 3 for Senior(65+)\nEnter 4 for exit"<<endl;

cout<<"\n\nPlease enter a selection: ";




case 1:

cout<<"Price of the ticket is "<<ticketPrice<<endl;


case 2:

ticketPrice = (double)ticketPrice/2;

cout<<"Price of the ticket is "<<ticketPrice<<endl;


case 3:

ticketPrice = (double)ticketPrice*0.8;

cout<<"Price of the ticket is "<<ticketPrice<<endl;


case 4:

return 0;




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