
In: Computer Science

C++ function to a string into enum function to a enum into a string check valid...


function to a string into enum

function to a enum into a string

check valid / loop ( asking a couple of times until answer invaild)

For example


output should be

what is your favorit fruit? : strawberry

you will have STRAWBERRY.

what is your favorite fruite : peach




Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
enum Fruit {APPLE,STRAWBERRY, BLUEBERRY, BLACKBERRY}; //declaration of enum

Fruit val(const std::string& s) //function to convert string into ennum
       return APPLE;
else if(s=="STRAWBERRY"){ //checking string and returning enum value
       return STRAWBERRY;
else if(s=="BLUEBERRY"){
       return BLUEBERRY;
   else if(s=="BLACKBERRY"){
       return BLACKBERRY;
Fruit con(Fruit v){                //function to convert enum into string
       case APPLE:
       case STRAWBERRY:
       case BLUEBERRY:               //checking enum to send string value
       case BLACKBERRY:
           cout<<"No such fruit";
       break;                       //break statement to stop condition

int main()
string mystring;    //string declaration
Fruit t;         //creating object of fruit
con(t);        //passing enum value to con function
               cout<<"What is your favourite fruit:";
           cin >> mystring;
           Fruit f = val(mystring); //passing string value to convert to enum
   switch (f) {
   case APPLE:
   cout<<"You will have APPLE"<<"\n";
               cout<<"You will have STRAWBERRY"<<"\n";
   case BLUEBERRY:
               cout<<"You will have BLUEBERRY"<<"\n";
               cout<<"You will have BLACKBERRY"<<"\n";
               exit(0); //to exit out of console
   }   while(true);

return 0;


code screenshot:

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