In: Economics
The world is globalized now and it is interconnected. The global
trade and economies are interdependent on each other, so we have a
company that have a headquarters in the US and its manufacturing
could be in China while back-office and IT development in India.
There are so many problems in the global scenario that includes
economic slowdown, social inequality and health issues.
However, the most serious problem is the environment. The years of
deforestation and extraction of the natural resources has
disastrous consequences for all of us. The rising temperature of
the planet and change in climate is affecting the crop production.
The encroachment in the natural habitats of the animals and forests
means we are destabilizing the nature and its food chain
Malthus has rightly pointed out that the human population grows
geometrically but the means subsistence grows in the arithmetic
manner. This creates an imbalance and the natures will create
famine, earthquake,flood or pandemic to create the balance in the
nature. The nature is clearly having burden and without moral
restraint by human beings it will surely strike. The human beings
can live on low income or without car for daily use but they can
not live without food or water or air.
The environmental problem is real and it is the most dangerous
right now because it could affect our species.