
In: Computer Science

Create a JavaScript program that asks for the input of at least five words (a total...

Create a JavaScript program that asks for the input of at least five words (a total of 25+ characters) string from a user and performs the following functions to it:


  1. Check to see if the string input meets the 25+ character limit. If it does not, send a message and ask for another string.
  2. Output the original string as it was entered onto the web page document.
  3. Output the original string in all lower case letters. Do not change the original string value.
  4. Output the original string in all upper case letters. Do not change the original string value.
  5. Output a message indicating the total characters within the string.
  6. Output the characters between index 5 and index 10.
  7. Output 5 characters starting from position 15.
  8. Combine the string with another string of your choice that also has 25+ characters. The new string should be at the end of the first string. Output the combined string.
  9. Finally, split your string into an array for the 2nd part of the assignment. Each word (not each character) should be a value for the array.

Example: Input 5 words

Note: This is an example with example input. Your input will make this much different so don't hard code my examples into your code. The program should ask for input for the 5 words.

Enters: I think therefore I am

Check to make sure it is 25 characters in length. (step 1) - it is not, it is only 22 characters so have them try again.

Enters: Failure is success in progress (this is over 25 characters)

Output: Failure is success in progress (step 2)

Output in lowercase: failure is success in progress (step 3)

Output in uppercase: FAILURE IS SUCCESS IN PROGRESS (step 4)

Output character count: Your string has 30 characters. (step 5)

Output characters between index 5 and 10. re is (step 6)

Output 5 characters starting from position 15. ess i (step 7)

Combine with a 25+ character string you have created: Failure is success in progress Success is dependent on effort (step 8)

ARRAY METHODS - Working with the same string as the String Methods program, continue your program by completing these steps.

  1. Output the list of array values.
  2. Output the total number of items in the array.
  3. Remove the first item in the array. Output the new array values.
  4. Add the word "banana" to the end of the array. Output the new array values.
  5. Reverse the elements in the array. Output the new array values.
  6. Replace the item in the 2nd position/key with the word stardust. Output the new array values showing the word in the correct position.
  7. Sort the array in alphabetical order. Output the alphabetical list of array values.

Example continued: Array Methods

Your list should be output of all words in your combined string: (step 1)


Output: Your string contains 10 words. (step 2)

Output after removing the first array item (step 3)


Output after adding the word banana to the end of the array (step 4)


Output after reversing the array elements (step 5)


Output after updating the second array item with the word stardust (step 6)


Output after sorting the array (step 7)



Expert Solution

<input id="enter"></input>

<button id="check" onclick="myFunc(this);">Enter</button>

<div id="showcheck"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

let text = document.getElementById("enter");

let btn = document.getElementById("check");

let output = document.getElementById("showcheck");

//declaring a function to wrap steps to be performed

let myFunc = function (e){

  //reset the outout div

  output.innerText = "";

  //get the text

  let str = text.value;

  //check if length matches requirement

    if(text.value.length <= 25){

      //show retry message

      alert("String length is less than 25 characters. PLease try again!");

      //reset the textbox

      text.value = "";



      //get the value

      str = text.value;

      //show it

      output.innerText += "\nOutput: "+str+"\n";


      output.innerText += "\nOutput in lowercase: " + str.toLowerCase()+"\n";


      output.innerText += "\nOutput in uppercase: " + str.toUpperCase()+"\n";

      //character count

      output.innerText += `\nOutput character count: Your string has ${str.length} characters.\n`;

      //character bwetween 5 and 10

      output.innerText += `\ncharacters between index 5 and 10. ${str.slice(5,10)}\n`;

      // 5 charcaters after index 15

      output.innerText += `\nOutput 5 characters starting from position 15. ${str.slice(15, 20)}\n`;

      //create your own string

      let created_str = "Success is dependent on effort.";

      //concat the strings

      str = str +" "+ created_str;

      output.innerText += `\nCombine with a 25+ character string you have created: ${str}\n`;

      //convert words to a array

      let arr = str.split(" ");

      output.innerText += `\nArray: \n`;

      for (let i of arr){

        output.innerText += `${i}\n`;


      //output total number of elements

      output.innerText += `\nYour string contains ${arr.length} words.\n`;

      //remove 1st element



      output.innerText += `\nAfter removing 1st item,\n`;

        for (let i of arr) {

        output.innerText += `${i}\n`;


      //add banana



      output.innerText += `\nAfter adding banana to the last,\n`;

      for (let i of arr) {

        output.innerText += `${i}\n`;


      //reverse the array

      arr = arr.reverse();


      output.innerText += `\nAfter reversing array,\n`;

      for (let i of arr) {

        output.innerText += `${i}\n`;


      // after updating the second array item with the word stardust

      arr[2] = "stardust";


      output.innerText += `\nafter updating the second array item with the word stardust,\n`;

      for (let i of arr) {

        output.innerText += `${i}\n`;




      //after sorting the array



      output.innerText += `\nafter sorting,\n`;

      for (let i of arr) {

        output.innerText += `${i}\n`;


      //clear the text field

      text.value = "";




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