In: Computer Science
1. The functional dependencies for the ProAudio relation:
c_id -> f_name, l_name, address, city, state, zip
item_id -> title, price
ord_no -> c_id, order_date
ord_no + item_id -> shipped
zip -> city, state
Original ProAudio relation:
c_id | f_name | I_name | address | city | state | zip | ord_no | item_id | title | price | order_date | shipped |
01 | Jane | Doe | 123 Elm St | Ely | NV | 11111 | 1-1 | 12-31 | More Blues | 8.99 | 12-2-00 | no |
02 | Fred | Fish | 321 Oak St | Ely | NV | 11111 | 2-1 | 21-12 | Jazz Songs | 9.99 | 11-9-00 | yes |
01 | Jane | Doe | 123 Elm St | Ely | NV | 11111 | 1-2 | 12-21 | The Blues | 8.99 | 12-2-00 | yes |
determining functional dependencies for ProAudio database
Normalization is a set of rules that ensures the proper design of a database. In theory, the higher the normal form, the stronger the design of the database.
Use the file for Functional Dependencies Above to answer the following questions:
Now that you are familiar with the mission statement and the entities and attributes the for ProAudio:
ProAudio Anomaly example 1
Consider a new item is available and admin need to put the details of new item to the database. The new item is not ordered or shipped by any customer. And the database will not allow null values for c_id. This will cause an insertion anomaly because admin is not able to add the new item to the database in this condition.
ProAudio Anomaly example 2
If the admin want to remove a specific customer from the database it may remove the details of some of items which was ordered by only that customer. Consider in the given table, if admin removes the details of c-id = 2, then it causes the deletion of item with item_id= 21-12 because no other rows with this item data in the table. This is called deletion anomaly.
ProAudio Anomaly example 3
If there is an update in zipcode for the city Ely, the admin need to update all the rows which contain this city. If there is a chance of not editing any of the row, this will lead to data mismatch or data inconsistency. This is called update anomaly.
For fixing the anomalies, we need to normalize the table according to the functional dependencies as shown below
Address(city, state, zip)
primary key: zip
Customer( c_id, f_name, l_name, address, zip)
primary key: c_id
Foreign key: zip references primary key of Address
Item( item_id, title, price)
primary key: item_id
Order(ord_no, c_id, order_Date)
primary key: ord_no
Foreign key: c_id references primary key of Customer
Shipment(ord_no, item_id, shipped)
primary key: ord_no+item_id
Foreign key: item_id references primary key of Item, ord_no references primary key of Order
The example data can arrange as follows;
zip | City | State |
1111 | Ely | NV |
c_id | f_name | l_name | address | zip |
01 | Jane | Doe | 123 Elm st | 1111 |
01 | Fred | Fish | 321 Oak st | 1111 |
item_id | title | price |
12-31 | More Blues | 8.99 |
21-12 | Jazz Songs | 9.99 |
12-21 | The Blues | 8.99 |
ord-no | c_id | order_Date |
1-1 | 01 | 12-02-00 |
2-1 | 02 | 11-09-00 |
1-2 | 01 | 12-02-00 |
ord-no | item_id | shipped |
1-1 | 12-31 | no |
2-1 | 21-12 | yes |
1-2 | 12-21 | yes |
Fix 1
Now the admin can easily insert new item details to the table Item.
Fix 2
Now the admin can remove the details of a customer from Customer table, and it will not affect any item details.
Fix 3
Now the updating of zip is easy and need to update only one row of the Address table.