In: Nursing
describe how a closed circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients and picks up waste and carbon dioxide. What types of organisms use a closed circulatory system?
* Closed circulatory system
- blood within the vessels different size and wall thickness , blood is pumped by vessels and does not normally fill body cavities . Blood flow is not sluggish.
- heart pumps blood to the body and receives blood returned to the heart .
- system include two type of circulation : single circulation and double circulation .
* Single circulation occurs in fish :
- blood emtering the heart and collects in atrium before entering ventricel .
- ventricle pumps blood into gills
- has exchange occurs in gills , oxygen rich blood carry in a vessel to capillary bed .
- gas exchange occurs in body of capillary amd oxygen poor blood returend to the heart .
* Double circulatory system
- systemic circuit includes blood vessels that carry blood to the body .
- pulmonary circuit includes the blood vessels that send blood to lungs .
- right circuit delivers oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs
- in left circuit the oxygen rich blood leaves the heart into capillary beds , organs and tissues.
* What type of organsisms used closed circulatory system .
- vertebrates
- echinoderms