
In: Computer Science

JAVA) I need to get 10 integer numbers from the user. Then I need to find...

JAVA) I need to get 10 integer numbers from the user. Then I need to find sum of odd numbers, sum of even numbers, the lowest number of all numbers, the highest number of all numbers, and the average of all numbers( use double, with the two digit decimal)


loopCount = 1

While LoopCount <= 10

Read number from the keyboard

If odd, add to the total of all odd numbers

If even, add to the total of all even numbers

Add to the total of ALL numbers

Determine the smallest and largest number

Increment loopCount

End Loop Identify and display all three totals and range of numbers

Compute and display the average


Expert Solution

import java.util.Scanner;

public class NumberStats {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter 10 numbers: ");
        int loopCount = 1, number, evenTotal = 0, oddTotal = 0, total = 0, min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        while (loopCount <= 10) {
            number = in.nextInt();
            if (number % 2 == 0) evenTotal += number;
            else oddTotal += number;
            total += number;
            if (number > max) max = number;
            if (number < min) min = number;
        System.out.println("Even total is " + evenTotal);
        System.out.println("Odd total is " + oddTotal);
        System.out.println("Total is " + total);
        System.out.println("Min number is " + min);
        System.out.println("Max number is " + max);
        System.out.println("Average is " + (total/10.0));

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