
In: Computer Science

You must write tests for the following: all tests must be written in JUnit 5. Customer...

You must write tests for the following:

all tests must be written in JUnit 5.

  • Customer Class
    • Checking that the customer number autoincrements with each new customer object created
  • Order Class
    • Checking that the order number autoincrements with each new order object created
    • Adding a product that is already in the order
    • Removing a product that is in the order - quantity less than the quantity in the order
    • Removing a product that is in the order - quantity that is greater than or equal to the quantity in the order
    • ===================================================
    • the code for the java classes
    • public class Customer {
              private static int nextNumber = 1;
              private int number;
              private String firstName;
              private String lastName;
               * Represents a customer with customer number (autogenerated), first and last name.
               * @param firstName
               * @param lastName
              public Customer(String firstName, String lastName) {
                      this.number = nextNumber++;
                      this.firstName = firstName;
                      this.lastName = lastName;
               * Returns the first name
               * @return the first name
              public String getFirstName() {
                      return firstName;
               * Returns the last name
               * @return the last name
              public String getLastName() {
                      return lastName;
               * Sets the first name
               * @param firstName
              public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
                      this.firstName = firstName;
               * Sets the last name
               * @param lastName
              public void setLastName(String lastName) {
                      this.lastName = lastName;
               * Returns the customer number
               * @return the customer number
              public int getNumber() {
                      return number;
              public String toString() {
                      return "Customer [number=" + number + ", name=" + firstName + " " + lastName + "]";
               * Customers are equal *only* if their customer numbers are equal
               * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
              public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                      if (this == obj)
                              return true;
                      if (obj == null)
                              return false;
                      if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                              return false;
                      Customer other = (Customer) obj;
                      if (number != other.number)
                              return false;
                      return true;
    • =============================================
    • import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Map;
       * Represents an order with an ordernumber (autogenerated), customer, and order lines with products and quantities.
       * @author kwurst
       * @version Fall 2018
      public class Order {
              private static int nextNumber;
              private int number;
              private Customer customer;
              private Map<Product, Integer> lines;
               * Represents an order with an ordernumber (autogenerated), customer, and order lines with products and quantities.
               * @param customer
              public Order(Customer customer) {
                      this.number = nextNumber++;
                      this.customer = customer;
                      this.lines = new HashMap<Product, Integer>();
               * Adds a quantity of a product to the order. If the product is already in the order, increase the order quantity by the quantity.
               * @param product
               * @param quantity must be non-negative
               * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the quantity is negative
              public void addToOrder(Product product, int quantity) {
                      if (quantity < 0) {
                              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity must be non-negative.");
                      if (lines.containsKey(product)) {
                              lines.put(product, lines.get(product) + quantity);
                      } else {
                              lines.put(product, quantity);
               * Remove a quantity of a product from the order. If the product is already in the order, decrease the order quantity by the quantity.
               * If the quantity is reduced to zero, remove the product from the order.
               * If the product is in the order, return true. If the product is not in the order, return false.
               * @param product
               * @param quantity must be non-negative
               * @return true if the product was in the order, false otherwise
              public boolean removeFromOrder(Product product, int quantity) {
                      if (quantity < 0) {
                              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity must be non-negative.");
                      if (lines.containsKey(product)) {
                              if (lines.get(product) <= quantity) {
                              } else {
                                      lines.put(product, lines.get(product) - quantity);
                              return true;
                      } else {
                              return false;
               * Determine if a product is in the order
               * @param product to check for
               * @return whether the product is in the order
              public boolean contains(Product product) {
                      return lines.containsKey(product);
               * Determine the quantity of a product in the order
               * @param product to check
               * @return quantity of the product in the order
              public int getItemQuantity(Product product) {
                      if (contains(product)) {
                              return lines.get(product);
                      } else {
                              return 0;
               * Returns the total cost of the order (unit prices * quantity)
               * @return the total cost of the order (unit prices * quantity)
              public double getOrderTotal() {
                      double total = 0;
                      for (Map.Entry<Product,Integer> entry : lines.entrySet()) {
                          Product key = entry.getKey();
                          Integer value = entry.getValue();
                          total += key.getUnitPrice() * value;
                      return total;
               * Returns the number of order lines.
               * @return the number of order lines
              public int getOrderLineCount() {
                      return lines.size();
               * Returns the number of items in the order (sum of quantity of all lines)
               * @returnthe number of items in the order (sum of quantity of all lines)
              public int getOrderItemCount() {
                      int total = 0;
                      for (Map.Entry<Product,Integer> entry : lines.entrySet()) {
                          total += entry.getValue();
                      return total;
              public String toString() {
                      return "Order [number=" + number + ", customer=" + customer + ", lines=" + lines + "]";
               * Orders are equal *only* if their order numbers are equal
               * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
              public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                      if (this == obj)
                              return true;
                      if (obj == null)
                              return false;
                      if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                              return false;
                      Order other = (Order) obj;
                      if (number != other.number)
                              return false;
                      return true;
    • =====================================================
    • public class Product {
              private String sku;
              private double unitPrice;
              private String description;
               * Represents a Product with a SKU number, unit price, and description.
               * @param sku
               * @param unitPrice must be non-negative
               * @param description
              public Product(String sku, double unitPrice, String description) {
                      if (unitPrice < 0) {
                              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit price must be non-negative.");
                      this.sku = sku;
                      this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
                      this.description = description;
               * Returns the unit price
               * @return unit price
              public double getUnitPrice() {
                      return unitPrice;
               * Sets the unit price
               * @param unitPrice must be non-negative
              public void setUnitPrice(double unitPrice) {
                      if (unitPrice < 0) {
                              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit price must be non-negative.");
                      this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
               * Returns the description
               * @return the description
              public String getDescription() {
                      return description;
               * Sets the description
               * @param description
              public void setDescription(String description) {
                      this.description = description;
               * Returns the SKU number
               * @return the SKU number
              public String getSku() {
                      return sku;
              public String toString() {
                      return "Product [sku=" + sku + ", unitPrice=" + unitPrice + ", description=" + description + "]";
               * Products are equal *only* if their sku numbers are equal
               * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
              public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                      if (this == obj)
                              return true;
                      if (obj == null)
                              return false;
                      if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                              return false;
                      Product other = (Product) obj;
                      if (sku == null) {
                              if (other.sku != null)
                                      return false;
                      } else if (!sku.equals(other.sku))
                              return false;
                      return true;


Expert Solution

Hi, Please find the solution and rate the answer. Please note that Junit 5 has not yet released. Latest version is 4.9. I have used 4.9 for this program.

import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.Random;

public class TEst {
    String getRandomString(int size){
        Random random = new Random();
        int rSize = Math.abs(random.nextInt() % size + 1);
        String sample = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        String retStr="";
        for (int i = 0; i < rSize; i++) {
            retStr += Character.toString(sample.charAt(Math.abs(random.nextInt()) % 36));
        return retStr;
    public void testCustomerNoAutoInc(){
        Customer c = new Customer(getRandomString(5),getRandomString(5));
        Customer c1 = new Customer(getRandomString(5),getRandomString(5));
        assert c1.getNumber()==c.getNumber()+1:"Number not auto incrementing";//Text after colon will print if assert fails

    public void testOrderIncrement(){
        Customer c = new Customer(getRandomString(5),getRandomString(5));
        Customer c1 = new Customer(getRandomString(5),getRandomString(5));
        Order o = new Order(c);
        Order o1 = new Order(c1);
        //getNumber method is not present in Order class. PLs do required.
//        assert o.getNumber()+1 = o1.getNumber():"Order number not incrementing";
    public void testAddAlreadyInOrder(){
        Customer c = new Customer(getRandomString(5),getRandomString(5));
        Order o = new Order(c);
        Product p = new Product("SKU23423", 2342.22, "Washing machine by Apollo");
        assert o.getItemQuantity(p) == 2 : "Order not being updated";

    public void testRemoveLessThanAlreadyInOrder(){
        Customer c = new Customer(getRandomString(5),getRandomString(5));
        Order o = new Order(c);
        Product p = new Product("SKU23423", 2342.22, "Washing machine by Apollo");
        assert o.getItemQuantity(p) == 1 : "Order was not removed";
    public void testRemoveMoreThanAlreadyInOrder(){
        Customer c = new Customer(getRandomString(5),getRandomString(5));
        Order o = new Order(c);
        Product p = new Product("SKU23423", 2342.22, "Washing machine by Apollo");
        assert o.getOrderItemCount() == 0 : "Order was not removed";


sAll tests are passing. Below is project structure as a maven project.

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