
In: Computer Science

(Python)####But, what if we need just a sequence without brackets, i.e., we want to have ####1,...

(Python)####But, what if we need just a sequence without brackets, i.e., we want to have
####1, 2, 3, 4,... and not [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]?
####We can do this:
##print(*accum, sep=", ") ## *accum 'unpacks' the list accum.

Ask for the left and the right range bounds with input:
##leftB = int(input('Enter the left bound: '))
##rightB = int(input('Enter the right bound: '))
## and if (rightB - leftB) is odd then print the list of the numbers in this range,
## if (rightB - leftB) is even then print just sequence (no brackets []) of the numbers in this range.


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####1, 2, 3, 4,... and not [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]?

####We can do this:

##print(*accum, sep=", ") ## *accum 'unpacks' the list accum.

# Ask for the left and the right range bounds with input:


leftB = int(input('Enter the left bound: '))

rightB = int(input('Enter the right bound: '))

#  then print the list of the numbers in this range,

if (rightB - leftB)%2==1:

    accum = [i for i in range(leftB, rightB+1)]

    print(*accum, sep=', ')

# then print just sequence (no brackets []) of the numbers in this range.

## if (rightB - leftB) is even

if (rightB - leftB)%2==0:

    accum = [i for i in range(leftB, rightB+1)]

    print(*accum, sep=', ')


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